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词汇 路易斯
例句 They bowed low to Louis and hastened out of his way.他们向路易斯深深鞠躬,并忙不迭地给他让道。Louis looked so grown-up in his school uniform.路易斯穿上校服看起来成熟多了。Louise, who was often sickly, couldn't join in the other children's games.路易斯常常生病,无法参与其他孩子的游戏。Luis told me how he'd been picked up by military police in the middle of the night, and taken away for questioning.路易斯告诉我军警半夜里将他逮捕并拉去审问的经过。Mr Lewis takes an insufferably glib attitude towards it all.路易斯先生对整件事采取一种油嘴滑舌的态度,真让人受不了。Amy had not mentioned the smallness and bareness of Luis's home.埃米没有提及路易斯家里多么小多么空。Louise was stirring the soup with half an eye on the baby.路易斯边搅拌汤边注意婴儿。It was there that I met up with Louis again.在那儿我又遇到了路易斯Even Louis began to think their union was not blessed in the eyes of God.就连路易斯都开始认为他们的婚姻并没有受到上帝的祝福。He spent three days in a futile search for Louise.他找了路易斯三天,结果一无所获。Luis was gone, and she had no way of ever finding him again.路易斯走了,她从此再也找不到他了。Louis costumed her in several subsequent films.路易斯在随后的几部电影中为她设计服装。Ms. Louis’ attorney characterized her ex-husband as a freeloader, looking for the easy life.路易斯女士的律师说她的前夫是个一心想过安逸生活的白食客。She had to decide whether or not to cable the news to Louis.她当时必须决定要不要将这个消息电发电报告诉路易斯It's nice to see you, Luis. How have you been?见到你很高兴,路易斯。最近怎么样?Louis was so tired that he hit the sack soon after supper.路易斯十分疲劳,吃过晚饭就上床睡了。Louis knocked out his opponent in the first round.路易斯在第一回合把对手击昏了。The house was designed by architect Louis Kahn.这所房子是由建筑师路易斯・卡恩设计的。Louise's decision to go solo shocked the band.路易斯要单干的决定震惊了乐队。It took Louis until Easter to coax a grudging consent from the French King.路易斯连哄带劝,直到复活节才勉强得到法国国王的许可。I slipped a note under Louise's door.我偷偷在路易斯的房门下面塞了一张便条。Louis was shown as an intelligent, courageous and virtuous family man.路易斯在人们眼里是一个智慧、勇敢、品德高尚的顾家男人。Louise opened a bottle of wine.路易斯开了一瓶葡萄酒。Louis is virtually bilingual in Dutch and German.荷兰语和德语路易斯差不多都会讲。The guest speaker will be our old friend John Lewis.特邀演讲者将是我们的老朋友约翰‧路易斯Louis fell out of the tree and landed in a holly bush.路易斯从树上掉下来落到冬青树丛中。Louis is the only person who understands how the system works.路易斯是唯一知道这个系统如何运作的人。Louis sends his regards.路易斯表示问候。With a gasp of pure horror, Lewis jumped up and ran.路易斯吓得倒抽了一口气,跳起来就跑。Louis kept making jokes at his wife's expense.路易斯不断地嘲笑妻子。Louis refused to hand over anything except to me personally.除了亲自交给我,路易斯拒绝交出任何东西。Louise has a house in New York, and another in Florida.路易斯在纽约有一幢房子,另有一幢是在佛罗里达。Harvard has a formidable team of black academics, working under the leadership of Henry Louis Gates.哈佛大学有一支卓越的黑人教师队伍,由亨利·路易斯·盖茨领导。While no one was looking Louise and Alice helped themselves to some apples and bananas.趁没人注意的时候,路易斯和艾丽丝偷偷拿了几个苹果和香蕉。They couldn't really make any firm plans until Luis was well again.路易斯康复之前,他们无法安排出确定的计划。Louis was always considerate towards other people.路易斯总是很体贴别人。Louis Berg is a multi-millionaire who made his money in the newspaper business.路易斯·伯格是靠报业赚钱的千万富翁。Louise's sharp comments had ruffled his pride.路易斯尖刻的评论伤了他的自尊。




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