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词汇 磨难
例句 She thinks that one will suffer fire and brimstone after death if he has done wrong.她认为一个人要是做坏事,死后就得遭受地狱里的磨难The nation's democratic traditions were put through the wringer.该国的民主传统受尽种种磨难Hungary and Poland have suffered before because of their unfortunate geopolitical position on the European map.匈牙利和波兰因其在欧洲地图上的极为不利的地缘政治位置而备受磨难They had to endure the hardships of life on the frontier.他们不得不忍受边疆生活的磨难Premature babies have a hard time even under the best of circumstances.即使在最好的条件下,早产儿也会历经磨难Ellsworth was a martyr to his sense of honour and responsibility.埃尔斯沃思为了自己的荣誉感和责任感历经磨难After many trials and tribulations, we finally reached our destination.经过了许多考验和磨难之后,我们终于到达了目的地。Their lives were scarred by poverty and illness.他们的生活饱受贫穷和疾病的磨难He suffered fearful hardship in captivity.他在被监禁期间经受了可怕的磨难What strange new trials the human race invents for itself.人类给自己新添了多少古怪的磨难啊。Sam couldn't wait for the whole tiring ordeal to be over.萨姆等不及这场累人的磨难结束。I do not think any of us spared a thought for the ordeal of her crew.我不认为我们中间有任何一个人同情过这艘船的船员所遭受的磨难You expect to meet various adversities along the road of life.在生活的道路上你会遇到各种磨难They had no idea of the ordeal that lay before them.他们完全没有预想到即将面临的这场磨难That woman's been through such a lot – I don't know how she keeps going.那个女人经历了这么多的磨难,我不知道她是怎么坚持下来的。Mona was unshaken by her ordeal and is matter-of-fact about her courage.莫娜对她经历的磨难无动于衷,对她表现出来的勇气也态度淡然。She looked pale and drawn after her ordeal.磨难过后,她脸色苍白而憔悴。She braced herself for her forthcoming ordeal.她为即将到来的磨难做好了准备。She has borne the trials most heroically.她非常英勇地承受了种种磨难She never talks of her suffering during the war.她从不提及自己在战争期间遭受的磨难Throughout this ordeal her behaviour was beyond reproach.她在这场磨难中的表现无可指摘。Mona remains unshaken by her ordeal and is matter-of-fact about her courage.莫娜不为她经历的这场磨难所动,对自己表现出的勇气也态度淡然。She never speaks of her suffering during the war.她从不提她战争期间的磨难After a number of mishaps she did manage to get back to Germany.历经一番磨难之后,她设法回到了德国。Both of them have been through an awful lot and hopefully now I can help them rebuild their lives.他们两人都曾历经磨难,但愿现在我能帮助他们重建正常的生活。My family has supported me through this whole ordeal.我的家人支撑着我熬过了这场磨难Pain and suffering are not measurable.痛苦和磨难是无法测量的。His constitution was sapped by adversity.逆境磨难使他元气大伤。He is resting comfortably after his ordeal.磨难过后,他正舒服地睡觉。He went back to Yorkshire to join his loyal, long-suffering wife.他回到约克郡,与对他忠贞不贰、饱受磨难的妻子团聚。The war was a time of tribulation for all of us.那场战争对我们大家来说都是一场磨难The family faced their ordeal with dignity.这一家人在磨难面前不失尊严。Throughout the whole ordeal, she remained true to her husband.在这一场磨难中,她对丈夫始终是忠贞不渝。Being lost in the wilderness for a week was an ordeal for the campers.在荒野里迷路一星期对露营者来说真是一场磨难She writes about the trials of life on the American frontier.她描述了美国边远地区生活的种种磨难The girl's parents have been through the wringer since she disappeared.这个女孩失踪以后,她的父母历经了各种磨难He's really been through the mill recently.他最近真是饱受磨难We all have our crosses to bear.我们都有磨难要忍受。Throughout his ordeal his will remained unbroken.历经磨难,他的意志仍然很坚强。The book describes the trials and tribulations of the colony's earliest settlers.这本书描写了殖民地早期定居者经受的考验与磨难




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