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A hole wore in the floor where my heel rested in front of the accelerator.我的鞋跟总踩在油门踏板前,把那儿磨出了一个坑。He had worn a hole in the knees of his jeans.他牛仔裤的膝盖处磨出了洞。She developed a blister on her heel where her shoe rubbed against it.她的脚跟被鞋磨出了水疱。She turned him in the bed so that the sheets wouldn't chafe his skin into sores.她帮他在床上翻了个身,以免床单把他的皮肤磨出褥疮。He'd long since worn out the knees in his old jeans.他早就把旧牛仔裤的膝盖磨出了洞。You've worn a hole in your jeans.你的牛仔裤已经磨出洞来了。Feet had worn a path in the rock.人们的足迹在岩石间磨出了一条小路。My hands were blistered from all the digging.我挖挖刨刨的干了这么久,手上都磨出泡来了。He wore a hole in his pants.他裤子上磨出了一个洞。I've worn a hole in the knee of my jeans.我把牛仔裤的膝盖处磨出了一个洞。The handcuff had worn an angry red wound on his wrist.手铐在他腕上磨出的伤口已经红肿发炎。The steel grinds to a sharp edge.这把刀磨出了锋利的刃。The chair legs have rubbed holes in the carpet.椅子腿把地毯都磨出了洞。He has rubbed a hole in the elbow of his coat.他已把上衣肘部磨出了一个洞。The back of my shoe is rubbing against my heel and giving me a blister.我的脚后跟被鞋磨出了一个水泡。 |