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I tried to convey my sympathy by touching her hand.我碰碰她的手,想表示我的同情。We should get together some time.我们什么时候应该碰碰头。We need to get together to swap ideas and information.我们得碰碰头,交换一下想法和信息。His girlfriend at his side dug him in the ribs every time anyone told a joke.每当有人说笑话,他身旁的女友就用胳膊肘碰碰他胸口要他注意。Luke put out his hand and touched the tiny fingers of his baby daughter.卢克伸出手碰碰他出生不久的女儿细小的手指。When she tried to touch the eggs, the bird gave her a peck.当她试图碰碰蛋的时候,那只鸟啄了她一下。 |