例句 |
He accidentally bumped my drink out of my hand when he passed by.他经过时不留神把我手中的饮料碰掉了。As I got up, I knocked a pencil out of its holder.我站起来时,碰掉了笔筒里的一支铅笔。The varnish was slightly chipped.那光泽的表面被碰掉了一点儿。Be careful not to bump the vase.小心别把花瓶碰掉了。As I reached up to the shelf, I accidentally knocked off a vase.我往架子上爬,一不小心碰掉了一只花瓶。Gary fell and chipped one of his front teeth.加里摔了一跤,碰掉一颗门牙。He fell off his bike and chipped his front tooth.他从自行车上摔下来,碰掉一颗门牙。Stuart accidentally knocked the microphone off its perch.斯图尔特不小心把话筒从支架上碰掉了。 |