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词汇 sat
例句 We sat over our wine and talked.我们一边坐着喝酒一边谈话。He sat on the steps, and laced up his boots.他坐在台阶上系紧靴子。They sat up talking until almost dawn.他们一夜未睡,聊到快天亮。She sat herself down on the couch.她坐到了沙发上。She sat, not listening, but deep in thought.她坐在那里,并没有听,而是在沉思。After lunch, she sat and read the post.吃完午餐,她坐下来看信。He sat in his shirtsleeves, with the window onto the street wide-open.他穿了件衬衫坐着,让那扇朝马路的窗子敞开着。She sat by the window, noisily gulping her morning coffee.清晨,她坐在窗边,咕咚咕咚地喝着咖啡。He sat waiting on the bottom stair.他坐在最下面的一级楼梯上等着。They sat at the breakfast table.他们在一张早餐桌旁坐下。I sat inside and waited.我坐在屋里等着。They sat on the dirt under a tree.他们坐在树下的泥土地上。An elegant young woman sat at the next table, sipping a cocktail.邻桌坐着一位气质高雅的年轻女子,正小口小口地呷着鸡尾酒。The girl sat trifling with her skirt.女孩子坐著摆弄裙子。They sat on wooden boxes.他们坐在木箱子上。The doctor sat up all night with the patient.医生彻夜守著病人。The child sat on my hat and squashed it.那孩子坐在我的帽子上,把帽子压扁了。We sat and watched the glorious sunset from across the Mekong river.我们坐在湄公河对岸观赏着壮丽的日落景象。Lucy sat in her car, listening to the radio.露西坐在汽车里,听着收音机。After several hours gardening we sat down to admire the results of our labours.在花园里干了几个小时以后,我们坐下来欣赏劳动成果。He sat at the radio set, eagerly listening for bulletins.他坐在收音机前,急切地等着听新闻公报。He sat with his head buried in his hands as his sordid double life was revealed.自己卑鄙的双重生活被揭穿后,他双手抱头坐在那里。The children sat rapt as the puppets danced.木偶跳舞时,孩子们全神贯注地坐在那里看。Jan sat by her fire, longingly recalling that wonderful summer.简坐在炉火旁,神往地回忆起那个美妙的夏天。Most of his answers had been copied straight from the student who sat next to him.他的大部分答案都是直接抄袭旁边学生的。We just sat there, mute , unable to explain what happened.我们无法解释发生的事情,只能默默地坐在那里。We sat on the edge and dangled our legs in the pool.我们靠边坐下来,把腿垂到了游泳池里。The squirrel sat in the crook of the tree.松鼠坐在这棵树的打弯处。We sat on the shore watching boats sail by.我们坐在岸边观看驶过的船只。I sat down to a cup of wonderfully pungent Turkish coffee.我坐下来喝了一杯味道浓醇的土耳其咖啡。She sat up in bed when she saw him coming.看见他来,她从床上坐了起来。Joanna sat the child on her lap and read him a story.乔安娜让孩子坐在腿上,读故事给他听。I sat in the dentist's chair and looked at the row of instruments beside me.我坐在牙医诊所的椅子上,看着在我旁边的一排器械。He was/sat slumped in front of the TV all afternoon.他整个下午都蜷在电视机前。The old man sat down slowly, indicating his feebleness.老人慢慢地坐下,显出了他的虚弱。He came over and sat beside her.他走过来坐在她旁边。Jane went into the living-room and sat down on the sofa.简走进起居室,坐在沙发上。She had sat there twiddling nervously with the clasp of her handbag.她坐在那里紧张地摆弄着手提包的扣钩。We sat in the sun, eating ice cream.我们坐在阳光下,吃着冰激凌。Robert Gates sat before them, almost penitent about the past.罗伯特·盖茨坐在他们面前,对过去的事几乎无颜以对。




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