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The police were unable to poke any holes in his story. 警方无法找出他的说法有什么破绽。She questioned them constantly, looking for the crack in their serene complacency.她不断地盘问他们,想从他们的平静自得中找到破绽。It took me a long time to find the flaw in her logic.我花了很长时间才找到她逻辑上的破绽。For the first time her veneer of politeness began to crack.她温文尔雅的伪装第一次露出了破绽。You had better have a cast-iron excuse for missing the meeting.你最好给你缺席会议找一个没有破绽的借口。He tried to find holes in the testimony.他试图在证言中找出破绽。 |