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词汇 cork
例句 I'll cork the bottle and we can drink the rest later.我要塞上瓶塞了,剩下的以后再喝。Please cork the wine.请把葡萄酒塞上瓶塞。Use your corkscrew carefully so that it doesn't disembowel the cork.使用瓶塞钻时要当心,别把瓶塞钻碎了。She filled the containers, sealed them with a cork, and pasted on labels.她把容器装满,用软木塞封口并贴上标签。He drew the cork from the bottle.他把瓶口的软木塞拔了出来。The seas grew turbulent, tossing the small boat like a cork.海浪变得汹涌澎湃,把小船像漂浮的软木塞一样抛来甩去。I can't get the cork out of the bottle - can you try?我拔不出瓶塞——你来试试?The cork came out with a loud pop.瓶塞啪的一声拔了出来。She rammed the cork into the barrel.她用力将软木塞塞进桶里。He drew the cork out of the bottle.他拔出了瓶塞。Lara put the cork back in the neck of the bottle.拉勒把软木塞塞回了瓶颈。The small boat was tossed about like a cork.小船被抛来抛去,像软木一样浮在水面上。She merely filled the containers, sealed them with a cork, and pasted on labels.她只是装满容器,用软木塞封住,然后贴上标签。The cork flew off with a pop.瓶塞砰地一声飞了出去。Why don't you put a cork in it! I am sick of your whining!你给我闭嘴!我受够了你的抱怨!He was yanking the cork out of a bottle.他正在使劲拔出瓶塞。After their championship victory, the team was ready to pop the cork. 锦标赛获胜后,队员们准备开香槟庆祝。A cork was bobbing in the water.软木塞在水中上下浮动。The turbulent sea tossed the small boat like a cork.汹涌的海浪将小船像软木塞一样抛来抛去。The cork came out with a pop.软木塞砰的一声弹了出来。Do you think the cork will float or sink?你认为这个软木塞会浮在水上还是会沉下去呢?Proust lined his room with cork to insulate it against noise.普鲁斯特在他房间墙上衬了一层软木以隔绝噪音。Kelly poured himself another glass of wine and jammed the cork back into the bottle.凯利又给自己倒了杯酒,然后把木塞塞回瓶口。He managed to cork up his feelings while his guests were in the room.客人还在房里,他设法抑制住自己的感情。This type of cork forms a tight seal and keeps the wine fresh.这种软木塞形成严实的密封,使葡萄酒保持新鲜。The boat tossed about like a cork in the water.那艘船像软木塞一样在水中摇摆。She opened the bottle quickly and carelessly, breaking the cork.她打开瓶子,动作快而马虎,把瓶塞弄破了。He was pulling the cork from a bottle of wine.他正在启一瓶葡萄酒的瓶塞。The bottle cork popped when he pulled it out.他在拔出瓶塞时,瓶塞发出噗的一声。The cork popped and shot to the ceiling.软木塞砰的一响,飞向天花板。He took the cork out of the bottle.他把软木瓶塞拔了出来。I heard a hiss and a pop as the cork came out of the bottle.我先听到了嘶嘶声,然后是砰的一声,瓶塞就弹出了瓶子。The cork came out with a loud pop.瓶塞砰的一声弹出来了。




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