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This year's event consisted of readings, lectures and workshops.今年的活动包括读书会、讲座和研讨会。Professors and graduate students attended the symposium.教授和研究生参加了研讨会。By the way, how did your seminar go?对了,你的研讨会进行得怎样?Please accept this bottle of champagne as our thanks for organizing the seminar.为了感谢你组织这次研讨会,请收下这瓶香槟酒。They held a number of workshops and seminars.他们举办了几次研习班和研讨会。I once led a seminar on motivation.我曾组织过一次关于激发工作积极性的研讨会。The seminar also promises to be most instructive.这次研讨会可能会颇具启发性。Seminar topics are chosen for their accessibility to a general audience.研讨会内容是以普通听众容易理解为依据作出选择的。The seminar discusses typical work-related problems and strategies to manage them.研讨会的议题是工作上的典型问题以及处理这些问题的策略。He had been taking part in an international symposium on population.他那时正参加一个关于人口问题的国际研讨会。We convened at the hotel for a seminar.我们在酒店开研讨会。The seminar was a valuable exercise in information exchange.那个研讨会是一次有价值的信息交流活动。Today's programme will include a workshop on language learning games.今天的节目将包括一个语言学习游戏研讨会。During this international seminar, the interactive session was the most productive.在这场国际研讨会中,互动的时间收获最大。Attendance at seminars is obligatory.研讨会必须出席。We will develop a few of these points in the seminar.在研讨会上我们将详细阐述其中的一些观点。The seminar was to discuss diversification of agriculture.研讨会将讨论农业的多元化问题。I recently spoke at an educational seminar for judges.我最近在一个为法官举办的教育研讨会上发了言。The follow-up seminar on women's issues was of no help to me, so I left early.有关女性问题的后续研讨会对我没有用,于是我提早离开了。The seminars are free, with lunch provided.研讨会不收会务费,而且还提供午餐。There will be workshops on four main topic areas.将有针对四大议题领域的研讨会。When speaking to the seminar Mr Franklin spoke of his experience, gained on a recent visit to Trinidad.在研讨会上发言的时候,富兰克林先生谈到了他最近游览特立尼达的经历。He was involved in the organization of conferences and seminars.他参与了各种协商会和研讨会的组织工作。They frequently attend conferences on the performing arts.他们经常参加表演艺术研讨会。As seminars go, these are loose, unstructured affairs.和多数研讨会一样,这些研讨会也比较松散随意。I attended the classes/seminars/lectures for a month or two.这些课程/研讨会/讲座我去听了一两个月。Seminars could enlighten students on current human-rights issues.研讨会可以就当前的人权问题给学生一些启发。The seminar was very relaxed—we met at the professor's house instead of the lecture hall.这次研讨会非常轻松—我们是在教授家里开的,没去报告厅。Professor Brown will be presenting the findings at the Beatson International Cancer Conference today.布朗教授今天将在比特森国际癌症研讨会上提交自己的研究成果。The President summoned all the state governors to a conference on education.总统召集各州州长召开了一次教育研讨会。The seminar focuses on the complex relationship between government, the military, and the media.研讨会的重点在于政府、军队和媒体间的复杂关系。At the conference you could hear an amazing mixture of languages.在研讨会上你会惊讶地听到各种各样的语言。This year's conference will be held at the Hilton Hotel.今年的研讨会将在希尔顿酒店召开。A visiting professor will be leading the seminar.一位客座教授将主持这场研讨会。As the seminar was already in progress, we returned to the car.由于研讨会已经开始,我们又返回了车上。We try to steer clear of controversial issues in the workshops.在研讨会上我们尽量避免有争议的话题。These workshops provide an occasion for talking about art.这些研讨会提供了一个讨论艺术的机会。Each teacher will run a different workshop that covers a specific area of the language.每位老师都会单独主持一个研讨会,讨论语言的一个特定领域。The workshop is designed so that new managers can pick the brains of managers with more experience.研讨会的目的是为了使新的经理可以向有经验的经理学习。While it will be fun, the seminar also promises to be most instructive.这次的研讨会不仅会有趣,而且有可能会颇具启发意义。 |