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例句 Myssi is well known in Finland for her quirky food column, which is syndicated across the country.迈茜以其奇思妙想的食品专栏闻名芬兰,该专栏在全国多家报刊均有刊登。He used his column to spout ill-informed criticism of the Scots rugby team.他根本不了解苏格兰橄榄球队,却在自己的专栏上对其大加抨击。His newspaper column is the journalistic equivalent of candy.他在报纸中撰写的专栏就好比是新闻大餐中的糖果。The jet-setting couple made frequent appearances in the gossip columns.这对穿梭于各国的富豪夫妇经常出现在八卦专栏The front page features a warning about the dangers of drugs.报纸的头版以专栏形式对毒品的种种危害发出警告。His column always has a humorous slant.他的专栏总是带有幽默的特点。Greg's job is to think up the ideas for the magazine's features.格雷格的工作是为杂志的专栏出点子。She wrote in to an agony column.她给一个“为您解忧”专栏写了信。In his columns he attacks the pettiness of officialdom.他在自己的专栏中抨击官僚气量狭小。His quick wit and dazzling writing style have made his column a must-read.他的诙谐和令人眼花缭乱的写作风格使他的专栏成了必读文章。The issue was debated by academics, and some sections of the quality press.这个问题在学术界,以及大报上的一些专栏引起了讨论。His column is syndicated in all the major newspapers.他的专栏被所有主要报纸同时刊登。He will place an announcement in the personal column of The Daily Telegraph.他将在《每日电讯报》的个人专栏上登一则启事。He wrote a column chronicling his journeys around the Americas.他撰写了专栏,记录自己在美洲各地的旅行。The textbook has a Q and A section at the end of each chapter.该教材每章的末尾都设有问答专栏His name features frequently in the social columns of the tabloid newspapers.他的名字频繁出现在各家小报的社会专栏中。Parker's column on teenage sexuality is right on.帕克关于青少年性问题的专栏很不错。Readers of our magazine will be familiar with her column.我们杂志的读者会对她的专栏很熟悉。Cookery Editor Moyra Fraser takes you behind the scenes.烹调专栏主笔莫伊拉·弗雷泽会带您了解幕后的故事。His column was a regular and highly praised feature of the newspaper.他的专栏是该报固定栏目,深受赞扬。Agony columnists cannot know everything about your situation.答读者问的专栏作者不可能了解你的所有情况。Did you read Julie Burchill's column in the Guardian this week?你看过茱莉·伯奇儿本周在《卫报》上撰写的专栏吗?I ghosted his weekly rugby column for the Telegraph.我为他代写《电讯报》每周的橄榄球专栏Alert readers may have noticed the misprint in last week's column.细心的读者可能已经注意到上周专栏中的印刷错误了。Hundreds of people write in to the paper's agony aunt every week.每周都有数百人给这家报纸的答读者问专栏撰稿人写信。She writes a monthly column for the magazine.她给这本杂志每月一次的专栏撰稿。They offered him a regular slot on the newspaper's editorial page.他们给他提供了报纸社论版中一个专栏The jet-setting couple made frequent appearances in the gossip columns.那对阔气的夫妇频繁出现在花边新闻专栏里。She writes a weekly advice column in the local paper.她为当地报纸撰写每周一期的读者来信专栏Reviews are distilled from articles previously published in the main column.评论是从之前发表在主要专栏的文章中提炼出来的。The popular papers all have photo features on their inside pages.通俗报纸的内页都有照片专栏The newspaper has superseded the pulpit.报纸替换了那个专栏The dictionary includes a section on signs and symbols.词典中有用以说明其所采用的标记和符号的专栏She uses her newspaper column to take potshots at anyone who disagrees with her.她利用自己在报纸上的专栏胡乱批评异己。As this column went to press, I learnt that the man had died.当这个专栏开印的时候,我才知道那个人已经死了。His column keynotes the importance of libraries, especially during economic downturns.他的专栏重点谈论了图书馆的重要性,特别是在经济衰退时期。He writes a weekly column for the Daily News.他每周为《每日新闻》写一篇专栏




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