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词汇 睫毛
例句 His eyelashes were long and girlish.他的眼睫毛很长,就像女孩子的睫毛一样。Curl your eyelashes and add a couple of coats of mascara.把你的睫毛卷一下,再抹两层睫毛膏。With his long dark eyelashes, he looked almost feminine.他的睫毛又长又黑,看起来就像个女人。It is a mild infection in which a baby's eyelashes can become gummed together.婴儿的睫毛粘在一起是轻度感染的表现。Rain made Paul's eyelashes stick together.雨水使保罗的睫毛贴在了一起。She had put on her make-up and darkened her eyelashes.她已化好妆,并涂黑了睫毛She spit into the little tray of mascara and brushed it on her lashes.她朝一小盒睫毛膏里吐了点唾沫,然后蘸了一点刷到自己的睫毛上。She noted his epicene features - the long eyelashes, the full lips.她注意到了他的女性特征——长长的睫毛和饱满的嘴唇。Tears pushed slowly up through the closed lashes.泪水从紧闭的睫毛中慢慢地挤了出来。Because false eyelashes come in various lengths and shades, it's so easy to match them up with your own.睫毛有各种不同的长度和颜色,所以很容易与你自己的睫毛配上。She has beautiful dark eyelashes. 她长着漂亮的黑睫毛Her eyes were large and brown and fringed with incredibly long lashes.她有一双褐色的大眼睛,睫毛特别长。Her eyes were ringed with stiff black lashes.她的眼睛上有一圈硬硬的黑睫毛Her hair, eyelashes, teeth and bosom looked as though they owed more to art than nature.她的头发、睫毛、牙齿和胸部更像是人工所为,而非天生如此。She gave him the come-on through her lashes.她扑闪着睫毛挑逗他。Her long lashes hooded her eyes.她那长长的睫毛覆盖着她的眼睛。She has long and beautiful lashes.她的睫毛长而漂亮。




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