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词汇 着陆
例句 The troops touch down on American soil today.这支部队今天将在美国着陆The platoon scouts enemy positions and earmarks possible landing zones.这个排侦察了敌人的位置,标定了可能的着陆地点。The plane put down at the airport on time.飞机准时在机场着陆People who click on the ads are directed to a landing page that asks for donations.点击链接的访问者会被转到一个要求捐赠的着陆页。After a bumpy landing, all the passengers cheered and thanked the pilot.飞机颠簸着着陆了,所有的乘客都欢呼起来,向飞行员致谢。The lunar rocket impacted onto the moon surface.月球火箭在月球表面着陆We had to set the plane down in a field.我们不得不让飞机在一片田地里着陆The plane landed a couple of hours before dawn.飞机在黎明前几个小时就着陆了。That flight has not received clearance for landing/takeoff.那个航班尚未获准着陆/起飞。The plane was on final approach.飞机正在对准跑道着陆A computer in the lander masterminds the landing sequence.着陆顺序由着陆器上的计算机操纵。Before landing in Algiers, we circled the airport several times.在阿尔及尔着陆前,我们在机场上空盘旋了好几圈。The single-engine plane landed at a dry lake in western Arizona.单引擎飞机在亚利桑那州西部的一个干涸的湖底着陆了。U.N. troops could be landed by helicopter or even by parachute.联合国部队可以乘直升机着陆,甚至可以伞降。The plane touched down in Sydney at midday.飞机于正午时分在悉尼着陆The pilot decided to land, but as we lost altitude the wind became stronger.飞行员决定着陆,但随着我们越飞越低,风变得越来越大。The plane had already started its descent when the pilot received orders to abort his landing.飞机已经开始降落,可这时飞行员接到命令,要求终止着陆Captain Edwards brought the plane in for a perfect landing.爱德华兹机长驾着飞机顺利着陆Belton, at the controls, made a perfect landing.贝尔顿在操纵,着陆很完美。The airplane made a precision approach for landing.这架飞机精准着陆了。The pilot announced that the plane would be landing momentarily. 飞行员宣布,飞机很快将着陆I was mightily relieved when we landed at Manchester airport.我们在曼彻斯特机场着陆,我如释重负。We landed with a loud bump.随着砰的一声巨响,我们着陆了。His plane lands at six-thirty.他的飞机六点半着陆The pilot then began a desperate race against time to land the plane before it ran out of fuel.于是飞行员开始争分夺秒,力争在燃油用光之前着陆The pilot misjudged the landing.飞行员对着陆做出了错误的估计。With superb skill he managed to make a perfect landing.他凭借超凡的技术实现了完美着陆UN troops could be landed by helicopter or even by parachute.联合国部队可以乘直升机着陆,甚至可以伞降。The plane did a few stunts before landing.飞机在着陆前做了几个特技动作。The plane was circling Kennedy waiting for clearance.飞机在肯尼迪机场上空盘旋,等待地面着陆许可。The landing was skilfully executed.熟练地完成了着陆The pilot requested permission to land.飞行员请求着陆Spacecraft Columbia touched down yesterday.哥伦比亚号航天飞机昨天着陆The runway is clear — go ahead and land.跑道畅通无阻,开始着陆吧。Our plane was in a holding pattern for almost an hour because of the fog.因为有雾,我们的飞机在等待航线上飞了近一个小时才着陆Keep your seat-belt fastened during take-off and landing.在飞机起飞和着陆过程中请系好您的安全带。Despite the bad weather, the pilot made a smooth landing.尽管天气恶劣,飞行员仍驾着飞机平稳地着陆The plane touched down about half an hour ahead of time.飞机提前半小时着陆了。Many transatlantic flights land there.许多跨大西洋的航班在那里着陆The landing strip was covered with snow.着陆跑道上满是积雪。




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