例句 |
Your ophthalmologist can detect early stages of AMD during a medical eye examination.眼科医生在检查过程中可以发现年龄相关性黄斑变性的早期症状。Dolly is myopic and should see an optician.多莉是近视眼,应该看看眼科医生。Professor Holloway, an eye specialist, organized a national survey of eye diseases in children.眼科医生霍洛韦教授组织了一次全国性的儿童眼疾调查。Ophthalmic surgeons are now performing laser surgery to correct myopia.眼科医生现在用激光手术矫正近视。The oculist removed a foreign object from his eye.眼科医生从他眼中除去一个异物。The eye doctor has prescribed my contact lenses.眼科医生为我配了隐形眼镜。 |