例句 |
Heavy lids drooped over her eyes.她眼皮沉重,睁不开眼睛。His left eyelid twitched involuntarily.他左眼皮不停地跳。Her eyelids drooped as she grew tired.她越来越疲倦,眼皮都睁不开了。They simply dropped the stuff in the street, before showing the security men a clean pair of heels.他们把东西丢在了街上,从保安眼皮下逃之夭夭。Her eyelids fluttered but did not open.她的眼皮动了一下,但眼睛没有睁开。The little baby's lids, half-raised, showed the pupils horribly upturned.婴儿的眼皮半开,可怕地露出向上翘著的瞳孔。His hooded eyes look tired.他耷拉着眼皮,看上去很疲惫。Her eyelids began to droop and before long she was fast asleep.她的眼皮开始下垂,不久就酣睡了起来。A dull pain began to throb behind his lids.他的眼皮后面开始隐隐作痛地抽动。In a moment her eyelids flickered, then opened.她的眼皮随即动了一下,然后眼睛睁开了。He'd been in a coma for weeks, when all of a sudden he flickered an eyelid.他已经昏迷几个星期了,突然他的眼皮动了一下。Polly's eyelids flickered, then she slept.波莉眼皮眨了几下,然后就睡了。He kept his poker face, not even his eyelids stirred.他的脸上毫无表情,甚至连眼皮也不眨一眨。He raised his eyes slightly as though her words might somehow soil him.他略略地抬了抬眼皮,仿佛她的话会不小心玷污了他。Her eyelids grew heavy.她累得眼皮都抬不起来了。His eyes felt heavy with fatigue.他眼皮沉重,很疲惫。She was ordered to wash the margins of her eyelids carefully if they became gummed up.她被嘱咐说,如果眼皮粘住了,就小心地清洗眼睑边缘。She brushed gloss on to her eyelids.她在眼皮上刷了亮彩眼影。The room was hot and presently her eyes grew heavy and she began to feel sleepy.屋子里很热,一会儿她就觉得眼皮发沉昏昏欲睡。Her only reaction was a slight flicker of her eyes.她唯一的反应就是眼皮微微颤动了一下。Her eyelids fluttered as she awoke.她醒来时眼皮在颤动。Silver shadow is trowelled on to her eyelids.她眼皮上涂抹了厚厚的银色眼影。She lifted one eyelid to see what he was doing.她抬起一只眼皮看看他在做什么。Julie squinted at her through lidded eyes.朱莉耷拉着眼皮斜眼看了看她。He watched her from under hooded eyelids.他耷拉着眼皮瞧着她。Her eyelids are blue with eye shadow.她眼皮涂了眼睑膏看上去蓝盈盈的。 |