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He looks so much like your father, it's uncanny.真没想到,他长得那么像你父亲。Well, what do you know! They're married.哎呀,真没想到!他们结婚了。I was in Vienna sitting quietly in a café when, lo and behold, my cousin walked in.我静静地坐在维也纳一间咖啡馆里喝着咖啡,真没想到,我的表弟走了进来。Well, what do you know!哎呀,真没想到!Her obliviousness of what was happening in Germany seems extraordinary.真没想到她对德国正在发生的事情居然一无所知。Why, it's Joe, as I live and breathe!呀,是乔,真没想到!She actually did it! Well, I never!她真的做了!真没想到! I can't believe I let that joker beat me.真没想到竟让那个傻小子赢了我。Well I'll be darned! You actually showed up! 哦,真没想到!你居然来了!She gave up a promising career as a stockbroker to become a weaver, of all things.真没想到,她放弃当证券经纪人的大好前途,当了一名织布工。Well, blow me! I never knew this was where you were born.嘿,真没想到!我从来不知道这是你出生的地方。Well I'll be damned! Our team actually won!真没想到,我们队居然赢了!I'd never have thought Hugh would jump bail.我真没想到休会在保释期间潜逃。 |