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例句 The bride looked radiant in an ivory gown.新娘身穿乳白色的婚纱,看起来光彩夺目。The forest looked cool and shady.森林看起来很阴凉。She was thin and tired-looking and generally in a bad way.看起来又瘦又疲惫,总的来说状态不佳。You both look as if you could use a drink.你们俩看起来似乎很想喝一杯。You look very perky this morning.今天早上你看起来容光焕发。The gathering storm had made the day even darker than was usual at this hour.即将到来的暴风雨使得天空看起来比平时这个时候更昏暗。Once you've picked a company that seems right for you, you have to make sure you're right for it. This is a time for some more self-examination.一旦你选择了一家看起来适合自己的公司,你一定要确认自己也适合它。这时需要更多的自省。The man looked like a clerical.这人看起来像个牧师。It might look special but it's really no big whoop. 看起来可能有些特别,但实际上没什么大不了的。His uniform made him look a trifle out of place.他的制服让他看起来有些格格不入。Louis looked so grown-up in his school uniform.路易斯穿上校服看起来成熟多了。This looks like a likely spot for a picnic.这地方看起来好像比较适合野餐。The situation is very grave and appears to be deteriorating.情况非常严重,而且看起来正在恶化。We want to sell our house, so we've slapped some paint on the outside to make it look better.我们想卖掉房子,所以就把外面简单地刷了些漆使其看起来漂亮些。You look sort of like my cousin.看起来有点儿像我的堂兄。A residue can build up on the hair shaft, leaving the hair limp and dull looking.残留物会积聚在头发上,使头发看起来软塌塌的,而且毫无光泽。He picked up one of the leather-bound folders and leafed through it.他拿起其中一本皮面活页夹,翻看起来Things aren't looking so hot at this point.在这一点上,事情看起来不太好。Although snakes look slimy, their skin is actually dry to the touch.尽管蛇看起来黏糊糊的,但实际上它的皮摸上去却是干的。As long as the verticals align, the design will look regular.只要所有垂直面在一条线上,图案看起来就会很整齐。She had already cottoned on to the fact that the nanny was not all she appeared.她已经意识到这个保姆不只是她看起来的那样。Yoshie looked rather piqued at his suggestion.吉江看起来被他的建议惹恼了。The bicycle looked a bit rusty, but it worked.这辆自行车看起来有点生锈,但能骑。The glasses are plain without looking cheap.这眼镜朴素,但看起来并不粗劣。Chris's car was old and looked decidedly dangerous.克里斯的汽车很旧,看起来确实很危险。It seemed the obvious place to start from.看起来是个出发的好地方。I'd have asked more questions, but I didn't want to seem inquisitive.我本想问更多的问题,但我不想看起来显得八卦。She seemed completely cool, calm, and collected during her speech.她演讲时看起来十分冷静,泰然自若。Stop fiddling about with your hair - it looks fine.别再摆弄你的头发了,它看起来挺好的。His movements were so graceful they seemed effortless.他的动作优美自如,看起来毫不费劲。Only the angular shape of the windows looks a little dated.只有呈尖角形的窗户看起来有点过时。He looked sinister.看起来很邪恶。Richard doesn't look his age at all.理查德看起来和他的年龄一点儿也不相符。They look pretty much the same, don't they?他们看起来几乎是一样的,不是吗?I suppose he's quite nice-looking, but he's not really my type.我觉得他看起来挺不错的,但他不是我喜欢的类型。He only seems like a stuffed shirt when you first meet him.只有初次见面时,他看起来才会显得道貌岸然。He had always looked so young, but he seemed to have aged in the last few months.他原来一直看起来很年轻,但最近几个月他显得老了。Do I look like I'm made of money?看起来富裕吗?Those big shoes make you look like a clown!你穿那么大的一双鞋看起来像个小丑!That hitchhiker looks dangerous. Don't pick him up.那个搭便车的人看起来很危险。不要载他。




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