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If you want to come to the show, I'll see if I can get you a ticket.如果你想来看演出,我来想想办法,看是否能够给你弄到票子。I'd be surprised if they get here in time for the show.他们要是能及时赶到这里看演出那才怪呢。It's impolite to talk during the performance.在看演出时交谈是不礼貌的。I couldn't get a ticket - that's my last chance to see the show gone west.我弄不到票——我最后一次看演出的机会也泡汤了。We went down to see a show in London not so long ago.不久前我们到伦敦看演出去了。My neighbors were also at the show that night.我的邻居们那天晚上也在看演出。Let's meet at our house before the show.看演出前在我们家碰头吧。 |