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例句 Police said it appeared that John Seidler's death was an accident, but an investigation continues.警方说约翰·塞德勒的死看来是一个意外,但是调查还在继续。Let's drop the subject since we don't seem to be able to agree.既然看来难以达成一致,咱们还是停止谈论这个话题吧。Jan's depression seemed to be lifting at last.简的沮丧情绪看来终于要烟消云散了。It appears that to accomplish your goal is a long shot.看来,要达成你的目标是不太可能的。It looks as if the election is going to be a cliffhanger.这次选举看来胜负难分。It was self-evident to her that anything so wonderful could not have evolved accidentally.在她看来很明显的是,任何美妙的事物都不可能是偶然产生的。It seems that the so-called new theory is likely to sink into oblivion.这所谓的新理论看来将很可能被人淡忘。Ithought we'd get the building contract, but I suppose you can't win them all.我原以为我们能得到这份建筑合同,但现在看来不可能事事都成功。Operation seemed indicated and the patient was explored.看来需要动手术,于是对病人作了仔细的检查。It seems their flattering comments had turned his head and made him lose all sense of perspective.看来他们的奉承话使他飘飘然起来,完全失去了判断力。Take a look at these figures - our profits are not looking good.看一下这些数字,我们的利润看来情况不好。He looked angry, his eyes threatening to explode.看来很生气,眼里迸出怒火。The time would seem to be opportune to negotiate a halt to the arms race.看来这是通过谈判停止军备竞赛的大好时机。It was obvious from her anxious expression that he had not come home yet.从她焦虑的表情看来他显然还未回家。The new measures are seen by some as a major step backwards.新举措在有些人看来是一个很大的倒退。The children seem very happy at school.看来孩子们在学校里很高兴。To many young people, the church seems outdated and irrelevant to modern times.在许多年轻人看来,教会已过时了,与现代社会格格不入。Their relationship looks like it's about to crash and burn.他们的关系看来快要破裂了。It now seems their optimism was premature.现在看来他们乐观得太早了。At this rate we won't be able to afford a holiday.照这种情形看来,我们就无法度假了。It seemed that we had carried the joke too far.看来我们玩笑开过头了。Most members of the European diplomatic community have already left the country as war now seems inevitable.战争现在看来是不可避免的了,大部分欧洲外交团体的成员已经离开了该国。They look like stars to the naked eye.肉眼看来,它们像是星星。It seems a lot of these companies want to get rid of the old ones and keep on the young ones.看来许多这类公司都想辞掉老员工而留下年轻的员工。He kept his arms crossed in front of him and seemed somewhat unapproachable.他双臂交叉抱在胸前,看来有点不可接近。It will meet our needs, at least for the short term.至少从短期看来,这会满足我们的需要。It looks like his nomination is a lock.他的提名看来是十拿九稳的事。They seem to not have two halfpennies to rub together.看来他们从没见识过大钱。Her temperature is going down again - she seems to be over the worst.她的体温又降下去了,看来她已过了最严重的阶段。As far as she was concerned, her husband stood head and shoulders above any other man.在她看来,她丈夫比任何其他人都行。The partner's differences seem irreconcilable.合伙人的分歧看来无法调和。Apparently she's been seeing him a lot.看来她和他经常见面。She looked vaguely surprised at my remark.看来她听了我的话有些吃惊。It looks as if the rain has set in for the day.看来天要下雨了。I'd failed to pick up on all the little signals which seem so clear to me now.我当时没有注意到那些不起眼的迹象,现在看来很明显。She certainly seemed in no laughing predicament.她的情况看来确实不容乐观。It seems more likely that he won because he keyed into contemporary fashion.看来更像是他因顺应了当今的潮流而得以胜出。It looks as if we are in for a settled spell this week.看来这个星期天气似乎会比较稳定。It seemed to some observers that the English had a mania for travelling.在某些观察家看来,英国人对旅行似乎抱有一种狂热。It looks like a long, cold winter.看来这是个漫长的寒冬。




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