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词汇 看望
例句 I'm going there to see my sister.我要去那儿看望我的姐姐。I promised to call on her after the examination.我答应考试后去看望她。Grandma always has a few tidbits for the children if they're visiting at lunchtime.孩子们在午饭时间去看望奶奶时,她总有一些美味小吃给他们吃。He was visiting his parents in Torino when war was declared.宣布开战时,他正在都灵看望父母。He visits his grandmother on a regular basis. 他定期看望祖母。We visit them twice a month. 我们每个月看望他们两次。Do you see much of your family? 你常看望家人吗?He visits them on a daily basis. 他每天都去看望他们。I'll go home and pay an overdue visit to my mother.我将回家看望母亲,其实我早该回去了。She looked up some friends of bygone years.她去看望了一些过去的老朋友。Are you seeing Jane tomorrow?你明天要去看望简吗?He had jetted in to Paris to see his old friend.他乘坐喷气式飞机到巴黎看望他的老朋友。I called in on Sally yesterday.昨天我顺路去看望了萨莉。They occasionally stop by to see us.他们偶尔顺便来看望我们。He pretended to be sick as a trick to get her to visit him.他玩花招假装生病,以骗她过去看望他。Seeing Sticht was keeping him from his golf game, and he hoped they could wrap it up quickly.看望斯蒂克特让他打不成高尔夫球,他希望他们能赶快看完走人。If she doesn't visit her grandmother, she ends up feeling guilty about disappointing her parents.如果不去看望祖母,她最终会因令自己父母失望而感到愧疚。He made a regular visit to his parents.他定期看望父母亲。I stepped in on my uncle on my way to work.我在去上班的路上顺便看望了我的叔叔。 He felt a strong pull to visit his aunt.他非常想去看望他的姑妈。Her boss was very supportive and gave her time off work to see her mum.她的老板非常热心地帮助她,并准许她请假去看望母亲。He has come here express to visit his old friends.他特意来这儿看望他的老朋友。You must stop visiting that woman; tongues are beginning to wag.你不能再去看望那女人了;人们已经议论纷纷了。I visit my parents every other weekend.我每隔一个周末去看望一次父母。I would have stopped by your house had I known you were home.要是我知道你在家,我会去看望你的。Many of her friends and loved ones visited her in the hospital.她的很多朋友和亲人都去医院看望了她。I'll blow in one of these days to see you all.在这几天里我会上你们那儿看望大家的。He cut up rough when the nurse tried to stop him from seeing his wife.当护士想拦阻他看望他的妻子时,他大发脾气。She helped me unpack my things and then we went around to see the other girls.她帮我打开行李,然后我们去看望其他女孩们。Poor old devil, he doesn't get many visitors.可怜的老家伙,没有多少人去看望他。Richard visits his mother every week.理查德每周都去看望他母亲。She was filled with remorse for not visiting her father more often. 她因没有更常去看望父亲而懊悔不已。I'll stop by to see Leigh before going home.我回家前将顺道去看望一下利。I saw him at the hospital.我到医院看望了他。I went there to visit friends and that's all. 我去那里就是看望朋友,仅此而已。People crowded behind the scenes, met and congratulated her.人们拥到后台,看望并祝贺她。She visited me in the hospital.她来医院看望了我。She visits her parents every few days.她每隔几天看望她父母亲一次。Grandma always has a few titbits for the children if they're visiting at lunchtime.孩子们在午餐时间去看望奶奶时,她总有一些美味小吃给他们。I went to visit her last winter and I really had a great time.去年冬天我去看望过她,真的很开心。




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