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词汇 coordinating
例句 The UN officer is in charge of coordinating all refugee programs in the region.这位联合国官员负责协调这地区的所有安排难民的计划。When you join two main clauses with a coordinating conjunction, you must also punctuate with a comma.用并列连词连接两个从句时,也必须加逗号。She'll be coordinating the relief effort.她将协调此次救援行动。We have strengthened the service and coordinating functions of such intermediary organizations.我们强化了这类中介机构的服务与协调功能。He is coordinating a Europe-wide research programme into treatments for prostate cancer.他正在协调一项全欧洲治疗前列腺癌的研究计划。Her work consists of drawing up and coordinating schedules.她的工作是拟订和协调进度表。Since his illness, he has had trouble coordinating his arms and legs.自从生病以来,他一直无法协调他的双臂和双腿。I see a coordinating role as one of the biggest responsibilities for WHO.我把协调作用视作为世卫组织最重大的责任之一。A number of charities are coordinating their efforts to distribute food to the region.几家慈善机构通力协作为该地区分发食品。A senior embassy official is coordinating efforts to free the captives.大使馆的一位高级官员正在协调各方为释放俘虏所作的努力。The shirt and pants are available in three coordinating styles/colors.这件衬衫和裤子有三种可以搭配的款式/颜色。




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