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词汇 下院议员
例句 MPs have quickly adapted themselves to the presence of cameras in Parliament.下院议员们很快便适应了议会里的摄像机。Conservative MPs intend to put aside their differences over Europe and close ranks behind the Prime Minister.保守党下院议员打算暂且搁置他们在欧洲问题上的分歧,团结起来支持首相。Two Liberal MPs sponsored the Bill.两位自由党下院议员支持这项议案。She finally achieved her ambition to become an MP.她终于实现了自己当下院议员的夙愿。The MP described the killings as a blasphemy before God.这位下院议员称这些谋杀是在上帝面前的公然亵渎。Several Conservative MPs have voted against the government.几个保守党下院议员给政府投了反对票。He plays down rumours that he aims to become a Labour MP.他对那些说他想要成为工党下院议员的传言轻描淡写。A political row erupted over the MP's comments.下院议员的评论突然引发了一场政治上的激烈争吵。I want to see all MPs working together for the good of the country instead of trying to score points off each other.我希望所有的下院议员为国家的利益同心协力,而不是互挖墙脚。MPs have been urging the government to dissociate itself entirely from the war.下院议员已强烈要求政府声明与这场战争完全无关。Some Old Labour MPs opposed the government's welfare reforms.有些老工党的下院议员反对政府对福利制度的改革。Three Conservative MPs abstained in the vote.三位保守党下院议员投了弃权票。MPs were indignant that the government had not consulted them.政府没有事先征求他们的意见,下院议员们感到很愤怒。MPs are in a cold sweat about the election.下院议员们对于大选捏了一把汗。The MP laughed off the remarks as media misrepresentation.这名下院议员对这些评论一笑置之,说是媒体歪曲事实。The MP ignored the barbs.这位下院议员不理会那些讥刺的话语。He launched a charm offensive against MPs who might not support the Government.他对那些有可能不支持政府的下院议员展开魅力攻势。MPs were urged to amend the law to prevent another oil tanker disaster.下院议员们被敦促修订该法律,以防止油轮泄漏灾难再次发生。Angry MPs are demanding an inquiry into the deal.愤怒的下院议员们正要求调查这次交易。He harboured ambitions of becoming a Tory MP.他梦想成为托利党下院议员Mr Cook was strongly criticized by some of the MPs on the committee.库克先生受到委员会中一些下院议员的严厉批评。MPs as a group are held in low esteem by the public.下院议员在公众当中普遍口碑很差。He expected Labour MPs to behave as ambassadors for the government, going out to people, reaching them, explaining to them.他曾期望工党的下院议员充当政府的代表,走出去接触人民,向人民做解释工作。Make your views known by writing to those in authority, Government departments and your MP.给权威人士、政府机关和下院议员写信,让他们知道你的观点。He was elected MP for his native county of Merioneth.他获选为故乡梅里奥尼思郡的下院议员MPs are saying her policies have failed and, by implication, so has she.下院议员们说她的政策失败了,言下之意是她这个人也失败了。The Foreign Secretary assured anti-federalist MPs that he would not agree to anything that limited British sovereignty.外交部长向反联邦制度的下院议员保证,他反对任何限制英国君权的行为。MPs heard him out in silence.下院议员静静地听他把话讲完。With an election coming soon, your MP should be very responsive to your request.选举在即,你的下院议员应当对你的要求作出积极的回应。The newspapers have branded the rebel MP a fool.报纸谴责反叛的下院议员背信弃义。MPs have been ordered to tone down their criticisms of government policy in the run-up to the election.下院议员已被勒令在竞选阶段对政府政策提出批评时调子要缓和一些。A group of MPs is still wrangling with the government over the timing of elections.一群下院议员仍在与政府就选举的时间安排争吵个不停。Ministers resigned en masse to forestall MPs going ahead with the vote.部长们集体辞职以阻止下院议员们投票。And, let us be fair, some MPs do work hard.而且,说句公道话,有些下院议员工作还是很卖力的。People should let their MPs know where they stand on this issue.人们应该让下院议员们知道他们在这个问题上的立场。The MP's speech was dismissed by her opponents as crude electioneering.这位下院议员的演讲被她的对手斥之为赤裸裸的拉票行径。




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