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例句 Consumers have bought 10 million HDTVs but have found little to watch.消费者购买了一千万台高清晰度电视机,但却没有多少相应的节目可看。Her new position came with a commensurate level of responsibility.她的新职位给她带来了相应的职责。The intercom buzzed and he pressed down the appropriate switch.对讲机嗞嗞作响,他按下了相应的切换键。The policy has many faults and many countervailing virtues.这项政策有很多缺点,也有很多相应的优点。The punishment should be proportional to the crime.应该按照罪行的严重程度给予相应的处罚。Various pursuant strategies will be optioned.会有各种相应的策略以供选择。You need to make an according decision.你需要做一个相应的决定。The wing of a bat and the arm of a man are homologous structures.蝙蝠的翅膀和人类的手臂是相应的同源结构。Place a tick in the appropriate box.相应的方框里打钩。You need to situate the events in the proper historical context.你需要把这些事件与相应的历史环境联系起来。Republics will have voting rights proportionate to the size of their economies.各共和国将依经济规模获得相应的选举权。We do have procedures in place to weed out individuals who are corrupt.我们确有相应的程序清除腐败的人员。The government needs to listen to the public and respond accordingly.政府需要倾听大众的呼声并作出相应的回应。She is considered a manager and is paid accordingly.她被视为经理并得到相应的报酬。He put each memo in its proper file.他把每份备忘录都放进相应的文件夹里。We hope that manufacturers will take note of the findings and improve their products accordingly.我们希望制造商能注意到这些结果,并对它们的产品作出相应的改进。We need to assess the new situation and adapt accordingly.我们需要评估一下新形势以便作出相应的改变。She enjoyed the privileges appertaining to the office of chairman.她享有与董事长职位相应的特权。As each boy said yes, he ticked their name.每个男孩一应答,他便在相应的名字旁边打上钩。The industry is changing in tune with changing demand.这个行业正随着不断变化的需求作出相应的调整。Tick the appropriate box below.在下面相应的方框中打钩。He is guilty and should be treated accordingly.他有罪,应该受到相应的处置。The computer makes adjustments based on feedback from the sensors.计算机根据传感器返回的电流做相应的调整。She's an expert in her field, and is paid accordingly.她是这一领域的专家,且得到了相应的报酬。Those who preach intolerance should be judged accordingly.对于那些宣扬排斥异己的人应作出相应的评判。Those found guilty will be punished accordingly.有罪者将受到相应的处罚。The intercom buzzed and he pressed down the appropriate switch.对讲机发出嗡嗡声,他按下了相应的开关。Each investor will receive a proportionate share of the profits.每个投资者都会获得相应的利润份额。He worked hard and deserved his resultant successes.他辛勤工作,理所当然地取得了相应的成就。They realised that some of their prices were higher than their competitors', and revised prices accordingly.他们发现自己的一些价格高于竞争对手,于是做出了相应的调整。Japanese living quarters are small with correspondingly small appliances.日本人的住房小,各种器具也相应的小。George knew about the letter and acted accordingly.乔治知道那封信的情况并采取了相应的行动。Most vacancies are at senior level, requiring appropriate qualifications.大多数空缺属于高层职位,要求具备相应的资历。They expected a reciprocal gesture before more hostages could be freed.在更多人质能够获得自由之前,他们期望看到双方都有相应的表示。You would not believe the red tape involved in getting the required permits.你无法相信要取得相应的许可会涉及多少烦琐程序。They calibrate their responses to the urgings of public-relations men.他们按照公关人员的急切要求作出相应的反应。Students are expected to participate in sports according to their capabilities. 学生们应根据自身能力参加相应的体育运动。People who are dyslexic develop strategies to cope with it.有诵读困难的人找到了相应的对策。




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