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词汇 特蕾西
例句 Tracy gives her children vitamin pills to supplement their diet.特蕾西给孩子们服用维生素药片以补充他们饮食中的营养。I don't think Tracy died a natural death.我认为特蕾西不是自然死亡。When I met Tracy it was love at first sight.我对特蕾西是一见钟情的。Tracy said the cabin was haunted.特蕾西说小木屋闹鬼。Tracey is wearing a simple black dress.特蕾西身着一袭素净的黑色长裙。I'm no expert, but I don't think Tracy died a natural death.我不是什么专家,但我不认为特蕾西是自然死亡。Duncan shampooed my hair and then Tracy cut it.邓肯给我洗了头,然后特蕾西给我剪了头发。Trish's red hair haloed in the beams of the car's headlights.在车前灯光束的照射下特蕾西的红发周围形成了一圈光晕。Tracey is known for being a party girl.特蕾西是个出名的交际花。I was surprised that Mom seemed to approve of Tracy's new boyfriend.我感到很吃惊,妈妈好像认可了特蕾西的新男朋友。Her mother did all she could to encourage Tracy to study medicine.特蕾西的母亲用了各种可能的办法来鼓励她学医。I thought I might beat Tracy at tennis but she was more than a match for me.我本以为在网球赛中能击败特蕾西,没想到她远比我强。Tracy was positively fuming over the loss of her phone.特蕾西因为手机丢了而极其恼火。Tracy intended to run the seed business as a sideline, but it soon became her full-time job.特蕾西打算把种子生意当成副业来做,但很快它就成了她的全职工作。If Tracey leaves, I'll be the only girl left in the class.如果特蕾西离开的话,我就成了唯一留在班上的女孩了。Tracey put her hands on her hips and sighed.特蕾西双手叉腰叹了口气。




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