例句 |
The bicycle seemed to have a mind of its own and I couldn't steer it straight.这辆自行车好像有了主见似的,我没法让它直行。It was a straight road, a fast road.这是一条直行道,也是一条快车道。Willows are planted in a linable way along the lakeside.柳树在湖滨成直行种植。Proceed as follows: go straight ahead to Martin Street and then turn left.按如下路线走:向前直行到马丁街,然后左转。Turn onto Lowell Street, then go straight for three blocks.转到洛厄尔街,然后直行三个街区。It's as easy as this: turn left at the first intersection and go straight.就是这么简单:在第一个岔路左转,然后直行。All through traffic has been diverted.所有的直行车辆都需要绕道行驶。 |