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Everyone thought Annabel was being snooty.人人都认为安娜贝尔太目中无人。She walks along with her nose in the air barely deigning to notice us ordinary mortals.她目中无人地朝前走着,几乎不愿屈尊看我们这些凡人一眼。What a little haughty prude it is!好一个目中无人又假装正经的小不点儿!Prezza, as the cheeky young pups call him, had been a ship's steward and union activist.那些目中无人、粗鲁无礼的小青年口中的普雷扎一直在轮船当乘务员,还是工会积极分子。Other critics were equally dismissive.其他评论家同样目中无人。Mason cuts a battered but defiant figure.梅森显得饱经风霜,目中无人。I was an arrogant puritanical young prig.我当时是一个目中无人、自命不凡的年轻清教徒。She just walked past with her nose in the air.她目中无人地走了过去。The dude arrived from Miami with an attitude and plays with a 'tude.那个迈阿密来的家伙目中无人,打球态度粗野。He's been holding his nose in the air since he won the prize.他自从得奖以后就自以为是目中无人了。You're the bravest, most audacious young man I've ever known.你是我见识过的最勇敢、也最目中无人的年轻人。That boy's getting too big for his breeches.那个男孩开始变得目中无人。When I begged her for forgiveness, she just gave me a supercilious look.当我向她乞求原谅时,她只给了我一个目中无人的脸色。She's an elitist snob.她是个目中无人的势利小人。She was one of those really snooty sales assistants that you often find in expensive shops.她是那种目中无人、特爱摆谱的营业员,属于你在高档商店里经常能见到的那类人。He spoke in a haughty, supercilious voice.他说话时语气傲慢,目中无人。 |