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After hiking all day, his toes were blistered and his arches hurt.徒步旅行了一天后,他脚趾起了水泡,脚背也很疼。The back of my shoe is rubbing against my heel and giving me a blister.我的脚后跟被鞋磨出了一个水泡。She paused long enough to bathe her blistered feet.她把双脚长时间泡在水中,以充分浸泡长满水泡的脚。He needled the blisters on his feet until they burst.他挑穿了脚上的水泡。Cindy's new shoes were rubbing and giving her blisters.辛迪的新鞋子磨得她的脚都起了水泡。Try eating reconstituted dried prunes, figs or apricots.试着吃些用水泡过的西梅干、无花果干或杏干。I was bothered about the blister on my hand.手上起的水泡让我心烦。It is not a good idea to burst a blister.把水泡挑破不是个好主意。 |