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词汇 皮肤上
例句 The technique involves making a tiny incision in the skin.这项技术需要在皮肤上切一个小口。Smear Vaseline on to your baby's skin to prevent soreness.给孩子皮肤上抹些凡士林以防止肿痛。She had wonderful clear skin with an attractive sprinkling of freckles.她光滑的皮肤上有几处可爱的小雀斑。Wool socks will pull moisture away from your skin.羊毛短袜能吸走皮肤上的水分。Blue veins showed through her translucent skin.她半透明的皮肤上可以看见青青的血管。At the end of the second week, my skin erupted in pimples.第二周周末时,我的皮肤上出现了疹子。The blood is infiltrated into the disorganized tissues and dark blotches appear on the skin.血液渗入已遭破坏的组织,皮肤上出现深色斑点。Abscesses are usually caused by bacterial infection. They are most often seen on skins. The symptoms are likely to recur after healing.脓疮通常是因为细菌感染引起,最常见于皮肤上,愈后很容易复发。He had burn marks from the friction of the ropes on his skin.皮肤上有绳子的擦伤。Applied to the skin, ginger stimulates and dilates the blood capillaries.把姜贴在皮肤上能刺激和扩张毛细血管。Cutaneous anthrax occurs when anthrax touches a cut or scrape on the skin.皮肤炭疽病的发生是因为炭疽接触到了皮肤上的割伤或擦伤。These special fabrics wick moisture from athletes' skin to keep them comfortable.这些特别的材料吸去运动员皮肤上的汗液,保持舒适。The insect bite produced a rash.蚊虫叮咬后皮肤上起了一片疹子。Apply the moisturizer to the skin and gently rub it in.把保湿露涂在皮肤上并轻轻按摩,直至吸收。She could see his face now, his eyes wild and his skin glistening with perspiration.她现在可以看见他的脸了,他的眼睛瞪得溜圆,皮肤上闪着汗水。These pits in my skin are from when I had chickenpox.皮肤上的痘瘢是我出水痘时留下的。Herpes can grow at any part of our skin, including the genital area.疱疹可以长在皮肤上的任何部位,包括生殖器。The chemical causes itchiness and inflammation if it gets on your skin.这种化学品如果弄到皮肤上,会造成瘙痒和发炎。His skin was full of pits.他的皮肤上到处都是麻子。The pale moonlight danced across his skin.朦胧的月光从他皮肤上晃过。Wool has an excellent wicking action, that is, it carries body moisture away from your skin.羊毛有极好的毛细作用,亦即能从皮肤上吸走人体的水分。If used on delicate skin, this cream may produce a stinging sensation.这种药膏用在娇嫩的皮肤上会产生刺痛感。Rub the gel into your skin.把凝露涂在皮肤上The antiseptic really burned when I rubbed it on.我把抗菌剂涂在皮肤上时确实有灼热感。The skin is covered with microscopic hairs, invisible to the naked eye.皮肤上都是肉眼看不见的细毛。Stroke the cream onto your skin in an upward direction.把护肤霜在皮肤上轻轻向上抹。Red marks on the skin may be a warning sign for this disease.皮肤上出现红色斑点可能是患这种病的一个警示信号。Anne bathed the baby and gently smoothed cream into his skin.安妮给婴儿洗了澡,然后轻轻地把润肤霜抹在婴儿皮肤上Teenage acne had left its mark on his skin.他青春期时长的粉刺在皮肤上留下了瘢痕。A rash broke out on her skin.皮肤上突然出现一片红疹。Put a little antiseptic cream on the grazed skin.在擦伤的皮肤上涂点儿抗菌乳膏。Larry rinsed the lather from his skin.拉里冲洗干净皮肤上的肥皂泡。Glands in the animal's skin secrete tiny proteins.动物皮肤上的腺体分泌蛋白质微粒。Her skin came out in blisters.她的皮肤上起水疱了。The black spots on her skin seemed to be slowly increasing in size.皮肤上的黑斑好像在慢慢变大。Her skin was glistening with sweat after her run.她跑完步后皮肤上带着汗珠闪闪发光。Our oatmeal face mask absorbs impurities from your skin.我们的燕麦面膜吸收皮肤上的杂质。She slathered her skin with sunscreen. = She slathered sunscreen on her skin.她在皮肤上抹了厚厚的防晒霜。He had no idea what was causing the red blotches on his skin.他不明白他皮肤上的红斑是什么引起的。Bacteria can enter through a cut or graze on the skin.细菌可从皮肤上割伤或擦伤的地方进入体内。




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