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词汇 Secretary
例句 Even the Assistant Secretary of State had to admit that previous policy did not, in his words, produce results.就连助理国务卿也不得不承认之前的政策并没有,用他的话说,收到成效。He was the Secretary of Defense under the last President.他是上届总统手下的国防部长。Mr Byers last night demanded an immediate explanation from the Education Secretary.昨晚拜尔斯先生要求教育大臣立刻作出解释。The Home Secretary has recommended the two drug dealers for deportation.内政大臣提议将两名毒贩驱逐出境。Kofi Annan preceded Ban Ki-moon as the Secretary-General of the UN.科菲•安南在潘基文之前担任联合国秘书长。Working to a prearranged plan, he rang the First Secretary and requested an appointment with the Ambassador.按照预先安排的计划,他打电话给一等秘书,请求约见大使。The visiting foreign minister was reluctant to deal with anyone less than the Secretary of State.来访的外长不愿同级别低于国务卿的任何官员打交道。The Secretary appeared to retreat from his position when challenged by the press.由于受到新闻界的质疑,部长好像改变了他的立场。He glared at Nikitin but the General Secretary stared him out with hard, pebble-like eyes.他怒视着尼基廷,但总书记圆睁双眼,用严厉的目光瞪得他转移了视线。The Foreign Secretary echoed this sentiment.外交大臣附和了这一想法。The Home Secretary has rescinded the court's decision.内政大臣撤销了法院判决。The Foreign Secretary echoed this sentiment.外交大臣附和了这一看法。The Secretary of State for Environment has the power to cap councils which spend excessively.环境大臣有权限定那些铺张浪费的委员会的支出。The Home Secretary denied that the introduction of identity cards would lead to a police state.内政大臣否认推行身份证会使国家变成一个警察国家。The Press Secretary gave a completely different version of events, which greatly confused the situation.新闻秘书对事件的陈述完全不一样,这使情况更加混乱了。The Foreign Secretary telephoned his Italian counterpart to protest.外交部长致电意大利外长表示抗议。The Home Secretary has ruled out immediate tax increases to plug the gap.内政大臣已经排除了立即增加税收以填补此缺口的可能性。The Transport Secretary is in the mire again.交通大臣再次身陷困境。So what is the government's reaction to this news? A short time ago our political correspondent Jon Lander spoke to the Foreign Secretary, Robin Cook.那么政府对此消息有什么反应?我们的政治记者乔恩·兰德不久前刚与外交大臣罗宾·库克交谈过。In an embarrassing climb-down, the Home Secretary lifted the deportation threat.内务大臣尴尬地作出让步,解除了将其驱逐出境的威胁。The United Nations Secretary General called on all parties to show moderation.联合国秘书长呼吁各方要表现出克制。The deal was hailed by the Defence Secretary.该项协议受到了国防部长的称赞。The President displaced his Secretary of State.总统撤换了国务卿。The UN General Secretary flew in in a last-ditch effort to save the talks.联合国秘书长乘飞机到达,试图为挽救会谈作最后的努力。I spoke to the Secretary of State as he took a break from preparing his speech.趁国务卿准备发言的间歇,我和他讲了话。The Secretary of State spurned the advice of State Department experts.国务卿摒弃了国务院专家们的意见。The Education Secretary has made further concessions to the back-bench rebels.教育部长对持反对意见的后座议员作出了进一步的让步。The Opposition reckons the Health Secretary has ducked all the difficult decisions.反对党认为卫生大臣逃避了所有决策难题。He was an outsider in the race to be the new UN Secretary-General.在新一任联合国秘书长的角逐中,他的胜算很小。The Education Secretary accuses teachers of wanting to return to a dark age.教育部长指责教师想要回到愚昧时代。In an interview Monday, the Foreign Affairs Secretary tried to dispel doubts about his handling of the crisis.在星期一的一次采访中,外务部长试图消除人们对他危机处理能力的怀疑。The Foreign Secretary's remarks clarify an ambiguous statement issued earlier this week.外交大臣的话对本周较早时候发表的一份模棱两可的声明作出了澄清。He had no intention of letting the Foreign Secretary steal any of his thunder.他并没有打算让外交大臣抢一点他的风头。The Secretary called on all Americans to help stop the abuse and neglect of children.该部长呼吁所有美国人帮助阻止虐待儿童和忽视儿童的行为。Dr Owen had served as Foreign Secretary under the previous government.欧文博士担任过前一届政府的外交大臣。The UN Secretary General is on a fence-mending mission.联合国秘书长正在进行斡旋访问。How will the new General Secretary measure up to his new task?新任秘书长将如何才能胜任他这份新的职务呢?He was Secretary of State in everything except name.他俨然不是个挂名的国务卿。The Foreign Secretary brushed off suggestions that he had considered resigning.外交大臣不承认他考虑过辞职。The Secretary of State offered his resignation, which the President promptly rejected.国务卿提出辞呈,即刻遭到总统的拒绝。




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