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词汇 的见解
例句 She spoke on the radio, airing her views to the nation.她在电台演说,向全国发表她的见解She doesn't have an original thought in her head - she just parrots anything that Sara says.她脑子里没有什么自己的见解,她只会机械地重复萨拉所说的每句话。His book offers some fresh insights into the events leading up to the war.他的书就导致那场战争的事件提出了一些新颖的见解Her views are in sync with our own.的见解与我们的一致。I didn't want to make things worse by coming up with half-baked notions.我不想提出一些不成熟的见解而把事情搞得更糟。She offered fresh insight into the problem.她对问题有独特的见解Their first album is better, but of course YMMV.他们的第一张专辑更好,当然各人有各人的见解嘛。He has some very deep thoughts on the issue.他对这个问题有一些很深刻的见解He was bankrupt of original ideas.他毫无独创性的见解Remarkably, numerous spokespersons descanted knowledgably about it.不同寻常的是,众多发言人都对此发表了颇有见地的见解He laughed with immense scorn of such a puerile opinion.对于如此愚蠢的见解他极其轻蔑地嗤之以鼻。The critic made some perspicacious observations about the film.评论家对那部电影提出了深刻的见解She had some rather unusual ideas about raising children.对于抚养孩子她有些与众不同的见解His views all have weight and bottom.的见解都很有分量,很具影响。Her literary judgments are completely on target.她对文学的见解是完全准确的。She has very set ideas about how to raise children.她对于如何抚养孩子有着非常固执的见解I must agree with the sentiments expressed by John Prescott.我不得不对约翰·普雷斯科特的见解表示赞同。This is a book full of profound, original and challenging insights.这本书充满了深刻、新颖、令人深思的见解It's hard to see it any other way, though I'm trying to keep an open mind.尽管我努力不妄下定论,但此事很难有其他的见解Payne gained a reputation for sound, if orthodox, views.虽然观点正统,但佩恩合乎情理的见解还是令他为人称道。One's views broaden at college.一个人的见解在大学时代变得开阔起来。It was predictable that the medical establishment, so hidebound and reactionary, would reject Dr Stone's ideas.医学界思想顽固守旧,可以预料他们会拒绝接受斯通医生的见解As one critic perceptively observes, the city itself is perhaps the most important character in the novel.正如一位评论家敏锐的见解,这座城市本身或许就是小说中最重要的主人公。Americans' views often defy categorization and contradict the teachings of their faith.美国人的见解常常难以归类,并且与他们信仰的教义相抵触。She has some interesting reflections about the spiritual state of the country.她对这个国家的精神状态有些值得思考的见解He has a very particular philosophy, which involves owning as little as possible.他有个非常独特的见解,就是要尽可能少拥有东西。He admired your insistence on understanding things and making your point, even when he preferred his own.他敬佩你弄清楚问题、说服别人接受你的主张的那份坚持,即便有时他更倾向于自己的见解My outsider status granted me special insights.我的局外人身份赋予了我独特的见解What is your thinking on this question?你对这个问题的见解如何?The Indians, in turn, were charmed by the famous author's cultured and civilised outlook.而印第安人呢,则为那位著名作家有教养的、开化的见解而折服。Her opinions grew organically from her observations.的见解自然地源自她的观察。There's no analogy between his position and yours.的见解与你的并无相似之处。He has a mind of his own and will not be persuaded by what others think.他有自己的见解,不会为他人的观点所左右。Simon has a clear-sighted vision of the company's future.西蒙对公司的未来有精辟的见解It looks like he's the odd one out on this particular issue. 他似乎对这个具体问题持有与众不同的见解This young lady has a sense of style that is very much her own.这位年轻的女士对时尚有其独到的见解Their opinions on art are for the birds.他们关于艺术的见解荒唐可笑。His views are directly opposed to mine.的见解和我的截然相反。They have very definite views on this topic.在这个议题上,他们有明确的见解She speaks softly but usually gets her own way.她说起话来轻声细语,但通常以自己的见解行事。




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