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词汇 的子女
例句 Our children are so ungrateful - they don't realize how much we do for them.我们的子女很不知感激,他们不知道我们为他们付出了多少。She often uses a martinet to discipline her children, and her act causes an uproar among her neighbors.她常用短皮鞭教训她的子女,让邻居看不惯。Abused children frequently abuse their own children.遭受过虐待的孩子长大后经常虐待他们自己的子女I have been blessed with good health and a wonderful wife and children.我何其有幸,能够拥有健康的身体、贤惠的妻子和有出息的子女His wealth was made over to his children.他的财产转让给了他的子女His children are contesting the will.的子女们在对遗嘱提出异议。His children have a claim on his estate.的子女对他的地产拥有所有权。My kids used to scorn my politics as right-wing selfishness.的子女以前老是鄙视我的政治观点是右翼的自私自利。His children have never fully forgiven him.的子女们从未完全原谅他。How do her children feel about having a mother who's constantly in the limelight?的子女对自己的母亲经常受到公众瞩目有何感想?They want to establish their children in the family business.他们想让自己的子女在家族企业中站稳脚跟。The house will go to his issue.房子将归他的子女所有。His children are almost all grown up.的子女几乎全都长大成人了。There is concern that twenty years from now, the average American won't be able to afford to send his or her children to college.有人担心,二十年以后,普通的美国人可能会没有能力送自己的子女上大学。It never seems to occur to my children to contact me.的子女好像从来都没想到和我联系。He left his investments to his children.他把投资遗留给自己的子女The criticism that the English do not truly care about their children was often voiced.常有人指责英国人并不真正关心自己的子女The empress outlasted all her children.女皇比她的子女们都活得长。Most of the money has been signed over to his children.大部分的钱都签字转交给了他的子女The company has a small number of college scholarships to offer to employees’ children.这家公司为员工的子女提供了几个名额的大学奖学金。His children have left home.的子女已经离家在外。She made sure that her children never went short.她确保自己的子女什么都不缺。A lot of parents push their children, but my dad only ever encourages and supports me.许多家长都在学业上督促他们的子女,但是我父亲只是鼓励和支持我。Parents must take responsibility for their children. Failure to do so could mean a fine or a jail sentence.父母必须为他们的子女负责,如果不这样的话可能意味着罚款或监禁。The media gloves were off. Children of party leaders were fair game.媒体毫不手软,将矛头对准了政党领导人的子女She is always scolding her children.她老是斥责自己的子女It's very important that parents select the right school for a child with learning difficulties.家长为学习有困难的子女选择合适的学校是很重要的。The inheritance shall go to the children of the last purchaser.这笔遗产应由上一位财产购置者的子女获得。He still has dependants from a previous marriage.他还有上次婚姻留下的子女要抚养。Researchers have discovered that the children of these patients are genetically predisposed to cancer.研究者发现这些病人的子女容易通过遗传患上癌症。Her grasping children fought over her property when she died.她死后,贪婪的子女展开了财产争夺大战。They would never allow their precious progeny to take risks.他们永远不会允许自己心爱的子女冒险。Davis was never loquacious on the subject of his progeny.戴维斯说到他的子女时总是寡言少语。The judge set her child support at ten dollars a week.法官给她判定的子女抚养费为每周十美元。Pat's father was a distant, unemotional man who couldn't really talk to his children.帕特的父亲对人疏远而冷漠,难以和自己的子女深谈。All her children will inherit equally.她所有的子女将平分遗产。It's hard to give an objective opinion about your own children.对自己的子女作出客观的评价是很难的。The children were brought up by their grandmother as her own to prevent an illegitimacy scandal.这些孩子由祖母作为自己的子女抚养成人,以避免私生的丑闻。His children were raised in the Catholic faith.的子女是在信仰天主教的环境中长大的。We are both children of racially mixed marriages.我们俩都是异族通婚所生的子女




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