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例句 Boats picked us up at pre-arranged rendezvous.船在预先约定的地点接我们。It wasn't his fault. He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.这不是他的错。他不过是在错误的时间出现在了错误的地点I am under orders not to discuss his mission or his location with anyone.遵照命令,我不能与任何人谈论他执行的任务和他所在的地点Manchester was rejected in favour of Liverpool as the new site.曼彻斯特不敌利物浦,没有被选作新的地点Seattle has been chosen as the venue for next year's conference.西雅图被选为明年会议召开的地点Coaches will set down and uplift passengers only as directed by the police in the streets mentioned.在上述街道,长途汽车只能在警方指定的地点让乘客上下车。U.S. troops are redeploying to positions held earlier.美国军队正对早先控制的地点重新布防。US troops are redeploying to positions held earlier.美国军队正对早先控制的地点重新布防。You may live only where the stamp in your passport says you may.你只能在你护照上盖的印记所规定的地点居住。Being a news photographer is all about being in the right place at the right time.当新闻摄影师,就是要在恰当的时间出现在恰当的地点A huge crater marks the spot where the explosion happened.巨大的弹坑标明了爆炸发生的地点The monument was moved to a new resting place.纪念碑被安放到了新的地点The key to success is to be in the right place at the right time.成功的关键就是要在恰当的时机出现在恰当的地点The church marks the spot where St Peter died.这个教堂标示出了圣彼得去世的地点The meeting must be at a politically neutral location.这次会议必须在一个政治上中立的地点举行。She was half an hour early for her next appointment.她提前了半个小时赶到了下一场约会的地点They haven't chosen a construction site for the building yet. 他们还没选好建楼的地点It's not his fault that he was injured. He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.受伤不是他的错。他只是在错误的时间处于错误的地点People had left flowers at the spot where the police officer was killed.民众将鲜花放在那位警察遇难的地点Have you decided on where to camp?你们已择定设营的地点了吗?The museum sits on the exact spot where gold was first discovered.那家博物馆恰好坐落在最早发现黄金的地点To satisfy vistors’ curiosity, park officials have prepared maps on which the historical sites are clearly marked.为满足游客的好奇心,公园管理人员制备了地图,上面清晰地标示出各古迹的地点She had never been back to the place where the accident happened.她再也没回过事故发生的地点We've finally fixed on a place to have the concert.我们终于定好了举行音乐会的地点He refused to talk to reporters and was whisked away by the authorities to an undisclosed location.他拒绝和记者说话,并迅速地被当局带到一个保密的地点The fence is strategically sited to prevent anyone getting onto the beach.这个围栏的地点选择得很有策略,可以阻止任何人到海滩上。Their mission is to scout out places where helicopters can land.他们的任务是搜查直升机可以降落的地点He has an uncanny knack of being in the right place at the right time.他有一项惊人的本事,总能在合适的时间出现在合适的地点Did you check to see where the movie was playing?你有没有搞清楚电影放映的地点This is the spot where the two trucks collided.这儿就是两辆卡车相撞的地点The hotel is regularly the location for glossy magazine shoots.这家酒店经常是时尚杂志拍照的地点I chose a spot well away from the road.我选了一个远离马路的地点Carcasses of burned-out vehicles lined the roads near the scene of the worst fighting.在战斗最激烈的地点附近,道路两旁到处都有被烧毁汽车的残骸。There followed a list of places where Hans intended to visit.下面列出的是汉斯打算游览的地点The hotel is ideally located for visiting the city and the surrounding area.要想游览城市和周边地区,这家宾馆所在的地点很理想。The situation of the house gives it magnificent views in three directions.房屋所处的地点使之三面均可眺望壮丽的风景。This is the spot where the accident happened.这儿就是事故发生的地点He could have said someplace more convenient, but he was being purposely inconvenient to discipline me.他原可以指定个方便些的地点,但为了治我一下,他故意给我增添点麻烦。The rescue team reached the stranded hikers this morning. 救援队今天上午赶到了徒步旅行者被困的地点Supporters continue to visit the site where Colosio lost his life to an assassin's bullet.仍有支持者前往克洛西奥在刺客枪口下丧生的地点凭吊。




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