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词汇 互动
例句 Fangirls love shows not just for their good qualities but for the opportunities they provide to engage emotionally with what's on the screen.这些节目的年轻女性狂热爱好者喜欢的不仅仅是节目的高质量,也是因为这些节目为她们提供了与屏幕内容感情互动的机会。The dynamics of this class are different from those of other classes.这个班的互动方式和别的班不一样。Group dynamics are important to consider.小组成员间的互动是值得思考的重要问题。These devices allow the robot to physically interact with its environment.这些装置使得机器人能够与周围环境互动During this international seminar, the interactive session was the most productive.在这场国际研讨会中,互动的时间收获最大。The following excerpt is illustrative of her interaction with students.下面的选段说明了她与学生互动的情况。There will be a true global village in which telephones, computers and televisions interact.将会出现一个电话、电脑、电视互动的真正的地球村。Capitalist social formations reflect the interaction, or articulation, of different modes of production.资本主义社会结构反映了不同形式的生产方式之间的互动,或者说相互联系。The company develops interactive software for schoolchildren.该公司开发适用于学童的互动软件。When designing your site, think about whether it needs to be interactive or informational.设计网站时,想一想要做互动的还是做信息量大的。Even dyadic interactions can be very complex. 即使二人组合之间的互动也可能相当复杂。He mixed business and pleasure in a perfect and dynamic way.他以互动的方式将工作和娱乐完美地结合起来。The Higgs boson has been described as the "missing piece" of the Standard Model, which explains how the parts of the universe that we understand interact with one another.希格斯玻色子被称为是用于解释宇宙各部分如何互动的标准模型中的“缺失的组分”。The site brims with interactive features.现场的互动气氛很浓厚。The network offers interactive features.该网络有互动功能。The study showed that children with involved parents do better at school.研究表明,和家长有更多时间互动的孩子在学校表现得较好。I think that interactive media have a bright future.我认为互动媒体会有光明的未来。Many classroom interactions do not conform to the rules of normal conversation.许多课堂上的互动都不遵照日常会话的规则。After initiation, the youths started to interact with the older members.入会仪式后,这些小伙子与老成员开始互动The classrooms all have computers and interactive whiteboards and stuff.课堂都有电脑和互动白板等东西。She interacts with other children at nursery school.她在幼儿园里和其他小朋友互动交流。The next generation of interactive video technology will blend the viewer's image directly into the action on screen.下一代互动录像技术可以将观众的影像投射到屏幕上展示的活动中。They're quiet children who don't interact much.他们是文静的孩子,不怎么与人互动The following excerpt is illustrative of her interaction with students.接下来的节选部分可以说明她与学生的互动情况。They feel they are interacting productively with elderly patients.他们觉得与老年病患的互动很有成效。




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