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词汇 convicted
例句 She was convicted of murdering her drunken and allegedly violent husband.她因谋杀丈夫而获罪,她丈夫经常酗酒,据说还有家庭暴力行为。All three men were convicted on conspiracy charges.这三个人都因共谋指控而被判有罪。She was convicted of shoplifting.她被判犯有偷窃商店货物罪。He was convicted of the murder, but he is still trying to persuade the public that he's innocent.他被判犯有谋杀罪,但他仍试图说服公众他是无辜的。Williams faces life in prison if convicted of attempted murder.如被判谋杀未遂,威廉斯将面临终身监禁。He was convicted of handling stolen goods.他被判犯有销售赃物罪。If he is convicted, I hope they throw the book at him.如果他确实有罪,我希望从严惩处他。He was convicted of treason and espionage.他被判犯有叛国罪和间谍罪。He was convicted of embezzling.他被判犯有挪用公款罪。All four men were convicted of illegally bringing drugs into the country.四个人全都因为非法携带毒品入境被判了刑。He was convicted of spying.他被判犯有间谍罪。He is a convicted DUI.他是一个被判有罪的醉驾者。The defendants were convicted of wilfully promoting racial hatred.这些被告被判犯有蓄意煽动种族仇恨的罪行。He was convicted of the murder.他在这起谋杀案中被判罪名成立。The jury quickly convicted her and condemned her to death.陪审团很快就宣判她有罪并判处她死刑。The jury convicted him on two counts of witness tampering.陪审团给他定了两项干扰证人罪。He was convicted of a double murder. 他被判犯有双重谋杀罪。They were shot after being convicted of mutiny and high treason.在被判犯有叛变罪和叛国罪后,他们被枪决了。The government is proposing tougher punishments for officials convicted of corruption.政府提议对被判贪污腐败罪的官员实施更严厉的惩罚。He must be convicted before he can be removed from office.必须先证明他有罪才能将他撤职。A racially mixed jury in Miami convicted Lozano of manslaughter, but an appellate court overturned the convictions.在迈阿密,由多种族人士组成的陪审团裁决洛扎诺犯过失杀人罪,但上诉法庭推翻了该判决。He forfeited his freedom when he was convicted of the crime.当他被确定有罪时就丧失了自由。If convicted, they face the death penalty.一旦被认定有罪,他们将面临死刑。No one has yet been convicted of any of the terrorist attacks.还没有人因这些恐怖袭击被判定有罪。He's a convicted felon.他是个已定罪的重犯。He was convicted of the crime of embezzling.他被宣判犯有盗用公款罪。If convicted, the men face heavy fines.如被定罪的话,这些人将面临巨额罚金。She was convicted of being an accessory after the fact to Buffy's murder.她被定罪为巴菲谋杀案的事后从犯。He was convicted on very flimsy evidence.他被以极其站不住脚的证据定罪。He was convicted of causing danger to other road users.他被判对其他道路使用者造成危险。He was convicted of the murder of two teenagers.他被判谋杀两名青少年罪名成立。She was convicted of manslaughter for driving while drunk and killing three people.因醉酒驾车致使三人死亡,她被判过失杀人。She was convicted of the crime in absentia.在缺席审判的情况下,她被判有罪。People convicted of certain criminal offenses are not allowed to hold office.被判犯了某些刑事罪的人不可以担任官职。Are black defendants disproportionately likely to be wrongfully convicted?黑人被告被误判有罪的比例更高吗?He was eventually convicted for the misuse of official funds.最终他因滥用公款被判有罪。The handful who had been convicted had been small fry.被定罪的几个都是小人物。The number of women convicted of serious offences is still relatively small.被判犯有重罪的女性人数仍然相对较少。The jury convicted Menzies of assaulting Smith.陪审团裁定孟席斯殴打史密斯罪名成立。He was convicted of failing to muzzle a pitbull.他因没给斗牛犬戴口套而被定罪。




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