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Guests write their names in the (hotel) register.客人们在(旅馆)登记簿上登记。She marked him absent in the school register.她在学校的登记簿上注明他缺席。To find out about her family history, she looked through the register of births, marriages, and deaths.为了了解自己的家族史,她查看了出生、婚姻以及死亡登记簿。All new guests must sign the hotel register.所有新来的旅客必须在旅馆登记簿上签名。With a stroke of the pen our names were removed from the register.大笔一挥,我们的名字便从登记簿上删掉了。If your name is not on the register of electors, you will not be able to vote.如果名字不在选民登记簿上,你就无权投票。All those appearing on the register must notify the authorities of any change of address.登记簿上地址的任何变更必须通知相关机构。He signed the register at the hotel.他在宾馆的登记簿上签了字。Best to have both parents on the register, but sometimes, by force of circumstance, there will only be one.最好父母双方都登记在册,但是有时候,由于情况所迫,将只有一方的名字出现在登记簿上。The clerk asked me to sign the docket.书记员让我在判决登记簿上签字。The church keeps a register of births, marriages, and deaths.教会存留了一本关于信徒出生、婚姻和死亡的登记簿。I forgot to enter some of the debits in my bank account register.我忘记把几笔借项记入我的银行往来账登记簿。 |