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词汇 病人
例句 The sick man's strength is on the wane.病人的体力越来越弱。He could not interpose himself between the clinical judgment of the doctor and his patient.他不能干预医生对病人的临床诊断。There remains a small number of patients for whom rehabilitation does work.仍然有一小部分病人康复治疗是见效的。A therapist can encourage patients to express their anxieties.治疗专家能鼓励病人说出心中的焦虑。It doesn't do for a doctor to become too friendly with his patients. = It won't/wouldn't do for a doctor to become too friendly with his patients. 医生不应该和病人过于亲近。Officials at the hospital were obdurate. The patient could have no visitors.医院的负责人态度很坚决,这个病人不得探视。At that time there were no state benefits for the old and the sick.那时候老年人和病人是没有国家发放的福利金的。They'll operate on the more serious cases right away.他们马上要给那些病情较重的病人动手术。The patient went into cardiac arrest. 病人的心脏骤停。The patient showed a marked improvement in her condition after changing medication.换药治疗后病人的病情明显好转。The patient was wheeled into the operating room.病人被推进了手术室。A patient's level of pain can really only be judged subjectively.病人的疼痛程度只能由其个人主观判断。The overflow patients lay on floors and corridors.容纳不下的病人躺在地板上和走廊里。Many patients feel unable to express their fears.许多病人感到无法表达他们的恐惧。The report hardly mentions the many patients who have benefited from the treatment.报道中几乎提都没提得益于这种治疗方法的许多病人The patient was taking a widely prescribed sedative.病人在服用一种常用的处方类镇静药。The patient was barely alive.病人已经奄奄一息。Patients with no mental incapacity can refuse treatment.没有精神缺陷的病人可以拒绝治疗。Some patients are only too eager to tell you exactly how they feel.有些病人太急于告诉你他们的确切感受。She familiarized herself with the case history of her new patient.她熟悉了一下新病人的病历。The nurse gave the patient an enema.护士给病人灌肠。An inhibitor of gastric secretion provided relief from the patient's chronic diarrhoea.胃分泌抑制剂为患有慢性腹泻的病人解脱了痛苦。When, if ever, is it morally justifiable to allow a patient to die?.如果可能的话,允许病人放弃生命的行为什么时候在道德上可以被接受?Because of the severity of the accident, the patient required hospitalization.因为事故严重,病人须留院治疗。The tumour disappeared, and the patient appeared free of the disease.肿瘤消失了,病人看上去已摆脱了病痛。Ideally, all patients should have had the same number of follow-up visits.原则上,所有病人都应得到相同次数的随访。Doctors feel that a more individualized approach to patients should now be adopted.医生们认为现在对病人应该采用更加个性化的疗法。The nurse should be alert to any change in the patient's condition.护士应该对病人病情的任何变化都保持警觉。Most patients overestimated how long they had had to wait to see a doctor.大多数病人对看医生所需等待的时间估计得过长了。Prescription charges can be a disincentive to patients taking medicines that they need.收取处方费可能会阻碍病人服用自己需要的药物。These patients are responding well to the new drug.这些病人对新药的反应很好。The patient developed pressure sores on the toes of both feet.病人两只脚的脚趾上都长了褥疮。Health authorities want to make it easier for patients to be treated at home.卫生当局希望让病人在家接受治疗方便一些。The patient suffered a cardiac arrest and died, despite an attempt at resuscitation.尽管医生进行了努力抢救,但病人还是心跳停止去世了。He is terminally ill. 他已经病人膏肓。The success of this type of therapy depends on the patients' willingness to try to solve their problems.这种疗法能否奏效取决于病人是否有解决问题的意愿。Doctors had tried to dissuade patients from smoking.医生们劝病人不要吸烟。Have they ever experimented on a large number of patients?他们可曾在大批病人身上实验过? A shortage of nurses led to the cancellation of surgery for some patients.护士人手不足导致一些病人的外科手术被取消。Giving every patient an annual flu shot would be prohibitively expensive.每年给每个病人注射抗流感针剂的花费是无法承受的。




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