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词汇 疲倦
例句 Tiredness and fever are much more likely to be a sign of flu coming on.疲倦、发烧更有可能是患流感的征兆。She's too tired to go out tonight.她太疲倦了,今晚不能出去了。His eyes were half closing in weariness.疲倦得眼睛都快睁不开了。She was feeling tired and was glad to lean against him.她正感到有些疲倦,因此很高兴可以靠在他身上。Her eyelids drooped as she grew tired.她越来越疲倦,眼皮都睁不开了。I think he's a little weary after his long journey.我想他在长途旅行后有些疲倦了。As the morning wore on she became more and more tired.上午的时间一点点地过去,她也越来越疲倦The heat was making them tired.炎热的天气令他们疲倦Have a spell when you are tired.疲倦了就休息一下。He must be very tired today; he doesn't seem to focus at all.他今天一定很疲倦了,看上去思想一点儿都集中不起来。Symptoms include tiredness, paleness, and lethargy.症状包括疲倦、脸色苍白、没有精神。They were tired, but they kept pushing ahead.他们疲倦了,但仍然继续奋力前进。He passed a hand wearily over his eyes.疲倦地用手抹了一下眼睛。Symptoms include tiredness, paleness, and lethargy.症状包括疲倦、面色苍白和嗜睡。Debbie's looking a bit washed-out.黛比看上去有点疲倦Look at their tired little faces.看看他们那疲倦的小脸。In the harsh light of the street lamps Michelle looked tired and old.在刺目的街灯下,米歇尔看上去又疲倦又苍老。He looked tired and there were shadows under his eyes.他显得疲倦,眼睛下有黑眼圈。She was so tired she felt she would drop.她太疲倦了,觉得自己要倒下了。You sound tired. You should get some rest.你听起来好像有些疲倦,该休息一下。The heat made everyone tired and listless.高温让大家疲倦而又无精打采。He was tired but otherwise in good health.他很疲倦,但除此之外身体很健康。Symptoms are unusual paleness and tiredness.症状包括异常苍白和疲倦I feel exhausted, but also triumphant.我感到很疲倦,但也很自豪。She was plagued by weakness, fatigue, and dizziness.她感觉体虚、疲倦、头昏眼花。When she is tired, she sometimes answered with a snap.疲倦时,有时答话就没好声气。After working incessantly for two days, I was finally zonked out.不眠不休地工作两天之后,我终于因疲倦而睡著了。New mothers often complain of lethargy and mild depression.初为人母者经常抱怨说身体疲倦乏力,感到轻微的抑郁。He managed a weary smile.他勉强挤出了一丝疲倦的笑容。She looks a little weary.她看上去有点儿疲倦She had a worn-out look.她满脸疲倦的样子。He looks tired and a little subdued.他看起来很疲倦,而且有点闷闷不乐。Every movement they make tells you that they are tired.他们的每一个动作都向你显示他们已很疲倦了。When you have flu, you feel tired and weak for a long time.感冒的时候,很长一段时间都觉得疲倦和虚弱。I've been standing up all day and I'm really tired.我站了一天,现在很疲倦The hostages arrived back in Britain yesterday, tired but otherwise in good health.昨天人质回到英国,虽然疲倦,身体状况倒是不错。A middle-aged waitress came wearily over to them to take their order.一个中年女服务员疲倦地来到他们面前听他们点菜。He was limping slightly and he looked tired.他有些蹒跚地走着,看起来很疲倦She gave a long, weary sigh.疲倦地长叹一声。You sound like you're tired.你听起来好像有些疲倦




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