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词汇 疯狂的
例句 They've devised some crackbrained scheme.他们制订了一个疯狂的计划。She is a madwoman on the dance floor.在舞池里,她是个疯狂的舞者。He had a crazy look in his eyes.他眼中带着疯狂的神情。It's a crazy idea, but it just might work!真是个疯狂的想法,但它也许会奏效!This mad writer kept a lobster as a pet.这个疯狂的作家把龙虾当宠物养。He's had a big night out on the piss.他外出暴饮度过了一个疯狂的夜晚。We were madly in love for about two years.在大约两年的时间里,我们处于疯狂的爱恋中。If he goes one step further with this crazy idea, I'll resign.要是他把这个疯狂的想法再推进一步,我就辞职。She had been driven over the edge by the separation from her husband.丈夫离她而去,把她逼向疯狂的边缘。They went on a killing/crime spree.他们实施了一场疯狂的杀人/犯罪活动。It was a crazy idea to go to the store on a Saturday.星期六去商店真是个疯狂的主意。The car was barrelling down the street at a crazy speed.汽车以疯狂的速度在街上飞驰。The singer outdid himself at the festival, singing for almost three hours to noisy applause.这位歌手在音乐节上超水平发挥,在疯狂的掌声中唱了差不多三个小时。He had a crazy scheme to corner the champagne market.他有个疯狂的计划,要垄断香槟市场。There's all this crazy stuff going on.这种疯狂的行为一直都在继续。He refused to listen to their mad ramblings.他拒绝再听他们疯狂的胡言乱语了。We had some wild times.我们有过一些疯狂的年月。I meditate a terrible vengeance against the French.我想对法国人进行一次疯狂的报复。The man was stabbed to death in a frenzied attack.那个人在一次疯狂的袭击中被刺死。The box has been spitting forth maddening nine-second sound bites.电视机已经整整吐放了九秒钟令人疯狂的插播。Where did you get those cockeyed ideas?你那些疯狂的想法是哪儿来的?The troops took part in an orgy of destruction.部队参与了疯狂的破坏行为。He turned towards me with a mad look in his eyes.他转向我,眼里带着疯狂的神色。The politicians simply flitted from one madcap scheme to another.政客们只是蜻蜓点水般辗转于一个又一个疯狂的计划之间。What a crazy scheme, and I use that term advisedly.这是个多么疯狂的计划,我用了那个词是斟酌过的。The real victim in this collective madness is our society.这种集体疯狂的真正受害者是我们的社会。Wild celebrations followed the announcement.这个通告引发了疯狂的庆祝活动。She is without question the craziest person I've met to date.她无疑是迄今为止我见过的最疯狂的人。She's one crazy lady!她真是个疯狂的女人!I had to get out of the rat race and take a look at the real world again.我得从疯狂的竞争中解脱出来,重新审视真实的世界。The crazed look in his eyes frightened me.他眼中疯狂的神情把我吓坏了。The actor gave a vivid performance as the mad king.演员逼真地扮演了那个疯狂的国王。He had this nutty idea about buying a castle in Scotland.他有个疯狂的想法,要在苏格兰买一座城堡。He wants to get out of the rat race.他想从这种疯狂的竞争中解脱出来。Rundgren inspires fanatical devotion, always has done.伦德格伦的音乐激起人们疯狂的热爱,向来都是如此。Have you seen the video for "Crazy in Love"?你看过“疯狂的爱”的音乐视频吗?That's a nutty idea.这是个疯狂的想法。It's an insane situation that I can't see any way out of.那种疯狂的局面我找不到任何缓解的途径。The man was stabbed to death in a frenzied attack.这名男子在一次疯狂的袭击中被刺死。He made headlines and received hysterical hate mail.他成了新闻人物,收到了疯狂的攻击性邮件。




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