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词汇 略微
例句 I got only a slightly better grade when I retook the test.我的重考成绩只是略微高了一点。A new pet census showed that cats now outnumber dogs by a whisker.一项新的宠物普查显示,猫的数量略微超过了狗的数量。The South is now only a shade behind the rest of the affluent United States.与美国其他富庶的地方相比,南方现在只是略微落后。They got into a fight over a minor insult.他们因为一句略微冒犯的言语而大打出手。Their standard of living bumped along without any significant increase.他们的生活水平没有大的提高,只是略微上下波动。The trade deficit with China narrowed slightly.对中国的贸易赤字略微减缩。Blake jumped in and the boat dipped slightly.布莱克跳进来,小船略微沉了一下。They tinted the water with blue dye.他们用蓝色染料给水略微着色。The women are only distantly connected: they have a couple of friends in common.这些女人只是略微有点关系:她们有几个共同的朋友。She has only a nodding/slight/superficial acquaintance with the facts of the case. 她对案情只是略微有些了解。These shrubs require only a little light pruning.这些灌木只需略微修剪。As she neared the finish line, she inched ahead of the other racers.当接近终点时,她略微领先于其他选手。There was sufficient clearance between the car and the wall to open the door slightly.汽车和墙之间有足够的间隙可以略微打开车门。There was a glimpse of truth in what he said.他的话中略微道出了一点事实真相。The wounds are closing slightly but they are still terribly raw and sore.伤口略微合拢了些,但仍然令人疼痛难当。Performing this small service for her eased Jarvis's conscience a little.为她做这点小事让贾维斯略微安心一点。This plant prefers a lightly shaded position.这种植物适宜放在略微阴凉的地方。He realised with a faint shock that it was Lulu, much older but still beautiful.略微有点吃惊,知道那是露露。她老了很多,但依然美丽。The cells are slightly irregular in shape.这些细胞的形状略微有些不规则。The sky was tinged with red.天空略微泛红。Keep the patient horizontal with the feet slightly raised.让病人平躺,双脚略微抬高。Even a slight increase in temperature will cause bacteria to multiply very rapidly.即使是温度的略微上升都会导致细菌飞快地繁殖。I found it a touch distasteful.我觉得它略微有点儿令人反感。The temperature had risen slightly, but it was still very cold.气温略微上升,但是仍然很冷。A small adjustment can greatly improve the machine's performance.略微的调整可以大幅度提高机器的性能。The key was fractionally warped.钥匙略微有点弯曲了。She smiled to hide her slight embarrassment.她微笑着掩盖略微不自然的感觉。He drew level and for a moment edged ahead of his rival.他追平了对手,有那么一会儿甚至略微领先。He stood for a moment, his body swaying slightly.他站了一会儿,身体略微有点晃动。Far from being terrified by the paranormal, I find myself midly amused.我非但远未被这不可思议的事情吓坏,相反还略微觉得有趣。Keep the atmosphere in your greenhouse slightly moist throughout the spring.春天里保持温室的空气略微湿润些。The stone was a greyish colour.这石头呈现出一种略微带灰的颜色。I beat him narrowly to the finish line. 略微抢先于他冲过终点线。A bubble of anger rose in Pol's throat.波尔的声音中略微带着一丝怒气。He got up with a mild case of the morning blahs.略微带着那种早晨醒来时没劲的感觉起身。He had a slight German accent.略微带德国口音。She was sitting with her head tilted slightly back.她坐着,头略微往后仰。She committed a few minor indiscretions.她有几处言行略微失当。The outer surface, except for slight inequalities, may be either smooth to the touch or harsh.除了略微不齐整外,外表面摸起来要么光滑,要么粗糙。A suggestion of mockery coloured his tone.他说话时略微流露出嘲弄的口吻。




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