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例句 The associative guilt was ingrained in his soul.由此产生的内疚感在他灵魂深处挥之不去。Trouble blew up when the gang was refused entry to a nightclub.这伙人想进入夜总会被阻,骚乱由此爆发了。Williamson consolidated his lead in the National League when he won the latest round.威廉森赢了最新一轮比赛,由此巩固了他在全国联赛里的领先地位。Each individual has his own experiences and out of them forms his world view.各人有各人的经历,由此形成各人的世界观。The company is considering layoffs but hopes to avoid a consequential loss in productivity. 公司正在考虑裁员,但希望避免由此导致的生产力下降。The book was a fantastic success, spawning a hit TV series.该书取得了巨大的成功,由此产生了轰动一时的电视连续剧。I know a back way from our place to the graveyard.我知道一条由此通往墓地的偏僻小路。From this you can calculate the total mass in the Galaxy.由此你可以算出银河系的总质量。He is wrong, but it does not follow that you are right.他错了,但并不能由此推断你是对的。Congress passed the National Security Act, and the CIA was born.国会通过了《国家安全法》,中央情报局由此而诞生。From that it followed logically that he would not be meeting Hildegarde.由此,他不去见希尔德加德便是顺理成章的事了。The two women find a common denominator and a friendship develops.这两位女士找到了彼此间的共同点,一段友谊由此产生。Britain's negotiators had ensured that the treaty which resulted was a significant change in direction.英国谈判代表已经担保由此而签订的条约将是方向上的重大改变。More good thereof shall spring.由此将产生更多的好处。He welcomed the truce, but pointed out it was of little comfort to families spending Christmas without a loved one.他欣然接受休战,但是指出,那些无法和心爱的人一起过圣诞的家庭并不会由此感到慰藉。Thousands of local people lined the streets and clapped as the procession went by.数以千计的当地居民站在街道两旁,为由此经过的队伍鼓掌。Robinson's photographs are characterized by the intense contrasts of dark and light areas, and the consequent loss of detail.罗宾逊的摄影作品的特征是明暗区域的强烈对比,以及由此造成的细节淡化。Although his mental illness had coincided with his war service, it had not been caused by it.虽然他刚好在他参战期间精神病发作,但他的病并不是由此引起的。One of the joints in the pipe was cracked and gas was escaping.管子有个接合处裂了,煤气由此泄漏。Because some pressure helps, it does not follow that more will be better.不能因为有些压力对人有帮助,就由此推断压力越大越好。He suffered from hypertension and accompanying heart problems.他患有高血压和由此引起的心脏问题。You must strike north from here.你必须由此向北走。He was portrayed as a hero and, by inference, Thompson as the villain.他被描写成英雄,由此推论,汤普森则成了恶棍。She tried to get the ball rolling by asking him a few questions.她问了他几个问题,想要由此进入话题。Although his mental illness had coincided with his war service it had not been caused by it.虽然他的精神病刚好在他参战期间发作,但并不是由此引起的。The strike closed the ports, thereby adversely affecting the balance of payments.罢工使那些港口关闭,由此必然会对国际收支差额产生不利影响。Errors may have been made due to human fallibility.人难免犯错,错误可能是由此而生的。So we know that there will be fewer distributors. Many moms-and-pops will die.由此我们知道分销商的数量将会减少,许多夫妻老婆店将随之消失。She is still trying to get over the attack and the resultant injuries.她仍在努力走出这次袭击事件的阴影,从由此而受的伤中恢复过来。Carmen's reluctance to fall in with Driver's plans led to trouble.卡门不愿接受德赖弗的计划,由此引来了麻烦。Having inherited the money, she knew that things would now be much better.继承了这笔钱后,她知道由此情况就会好很多。This indicates whether remedies are suitable for children.由此可以看出治疗方法是否适合儿童。It does not necessarily follow that sleep loss would cause these symptoms.由此不一定得出失眠会引起这些症状的结论。Weather forecasters predict heavy rains and consequent flooding.天气预报员预报有大雨和由此引发的洪水。We apologise for the delay and any inconvenience caused.我们对延误和由此造成的不便深感抱歉。It is the control point for railroads radiating north, east, west and south.这是个交通枢纽,铁路由此向东西南北伸展出去。She deserves credit for the increase in sales and the resultant increase in profit.她应该为销售额的增长以及由此产生的利润的增加而受到表扬。The resulting diplomatic strain haunts policymakers on both sides.由此导致的外交紧张深深地困扰着双方的政策制定者。The fact that Goran is a lefty just makes his serve that little bit better.戈兰是个左撇子,他的发球由此质量要更高一些。The war, and the corresponding fall in trade, have had a devastating effect on the country.战争以及由此所导致的贸易量下降对这个国家产生了致命的影响。




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