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例句 The politician was knocked off his pedestal by his daughter's statements.这位政客由于女儿的一席谈话而不再受人敬重。We can't promise to publish a reply as space is limited.由于版面有限,我们不能保证把回复登载出来。On account of his extravagance he was plunged into heavy debt.由于挥霍浪费,他负债累累。So many marriages have come to grief over lack of money.许多婚姻由于缺钱而破裂了。They ran away together because their families objected to their marriage.由于双方家人都反对他们结婚,他们就私奔了。Their success was in great measure the result of thorough preparation.他们的成功大半是由于作了充分的准备。As form and content are indissolubly fused in a work of literature, rewording is misinterpretation.由于形式和内容在一部文学作品中是融为一体的,改变措辞就意味着曲解。Psychoanalysts tend to regard both sadism and masochism as arising from childhood deprivation.精神分析学家往往认为施虐狂和受虐狂都是由于儿时缺乏关爱造成的。Because of the war, security procedures have strengthened.由于战争,安保程序变得更加严格。The economy is failing because of the great imbalance between imports and exports.由于进出口极度不平衡,经济正在崩溃。Proverbs and idioms may become worn with overuse.谚语和习语会由于使用过多而变得俗套。They now have to cope with the legacy of their past incompetence writ large on their balance sheets.他们现在不得不处理由于过去工作不力所遗留下的问题,这在资产负债表上一看便知。The coalition of centre-right parties is rent by dissension between its two leaders.中间党派和右翼党派的联盟由于联盟的两位领导人之间的争吵而处于分崩离析状态。The newspaper was blacked out by insolvency.由于无力偿付债务,该报被迫停刊。This condition is caused by overactivity of the thyroid gland.这种病是由于甲状腺功能亢进引起的。Both men were dismissed for a second bookable offence.两人由于第二次吃到记名警告而双双被罚下场。The detective changed his holiday dates when his flight was brought forward and it now clashed with the trial.由于航班提前,侦探更改了度假日期,但是这样一来就和审判冲突了。Having begun my life in a children's home I have great empathy with the little ones.由于从小生活在儿童院,我对小家伙们产生了强烈的共鸣。The staff has been thinned through attrition. 由于自然减员,员工队伍已变小。Dysfunctional uterine bleeding is usually caused by abnormal changes in hormone levels.功能失调性子宫出血通常是由于荷尔蒙水平的不正常变化引起的。Tuesday's game had to be cancelled because of illness.由于有参赛者生病,星期二的比赛被迫取消。Her not following the instructions flunked her.由于不照指示做没考及格。In the absence of detailed documentary evidence, we can only make inferences about Minoan religion.由于没有详细的文献佐证,对于弥诺斯宗教我们只能作出一些推测。The ambassadors in the nature of their work have to move around and be seen in public.由于工作的性质,大使们不得不到处奔波,抛头露面。My calculation was wrong because I overlooked one tiny point.由于我忽略了一个细微之处,我的计算错了。I was hyped up because it was such a big race.由于这是一场重要的比赛,我感到非常兴奋。The girl lied because she resented her parents' strictness.由于不满父母的严厉态度,这个女孩撒了谎。Because of bad weather we made no progress on the house for the next three days.由于天气不好,往后的三天里我们的房屋修建工程没有取得一点进展。Her face was furrowed with worry.由于忧愁,她的脸上出现了皱纹。Due to a major road accident, southbound traffic is moving at a crawl.由于严重交通事故,南行车辆行驶缓慢。The match is off because of a waterlogged pitch.由于场地积水太多比赛被取消了。Something, probably a better diet, had rounded out his little cheeks.由于某种原因,很可能是因为吃得好了,他的小脸蛋变得圆乎乎的。I have delayed my return home because of the weather.由于天气不好我已推迟回家。Because of the fire, hundreds of houses went up in smoke.由于这场大火,数百座房屋被烧毁。A few borrowers will find themselves in trouble with their repayments through no fault of their own.一些借款人会发现,他们还款遇到了麻烦,但根本不是由于自身的过失造成的。The barroom, being full, has lost a few customers to the lounge.由于酒吧间满座,已有几个顾客回身往休息室去了。Nick's voice was inaudible through the glass barrier.由于隔着玻璃屏障,听不见尼克的声音。He couldn't pinpoint her exact location because of some kind of interference.由于某种干扰,他无法确定她的准确位置。He was emaciated by long illness.由于长期生病而瘦弱。The boss retains enormous influence by reason of his position.老板由于自身的地位而一直有极大的影响力。




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