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词汇 小学生
例句 The pupils listed their favourite sports.小学生们把他们最喜欢的体育运动列出来。Even infant and junior pupils took part.连幼儿和小学生都参加了。It's a pity that not all pupils get the same chances to learn music.可惜并不是所有小学生都同样有机会学习音乐。The programme enables pupils to gain some experience of the world of work.这项活动能使小学生获得一些工作经验。The pupil's attention span was short.这个小学生的注意力持续时间很短。He teaches strings to schoolchildren.他教小学生拉奏弦乐器。Pupils will need careful guidance on their choice of options.小学生在作出选择时需要悉心指导。She came on every ride herself, the better to instruct her eager pupils.每一个骑乘项目她都要亲自试一试,以便更好地指导她那些跃跃欲试的小学生Pupils sat hunched over their books.小学生们蜷身坐在书本前。The pupil's exercise was full of rasures.那个小学生的练习到处都是擦抹痕迹。The senator met with a group of elementary school students learning about how government works.参议员接见了一群正在学习政府运作方式的小学生A covey of schoolchildren approached.一队小学生走了过来。Pupils are encouraged to develop their native skills.小学生们被鼓励去挖掘他们天生的才能。Our boss treats us all like naughty children.我们的老板把我们当成调皮的小学生来对待。The programs take too long to load and try the patience of young pupils.这些程序下载时间太长,会让小学生不耐烦。I drove past a group of happy school kids zipping along on their bikes.我开车经过一群骑车飞奔的快乐小学生What is particularly alarming is that bullying is on the increase among even very young primary children.尤其使人忧虑的是恃强凌弱的现象甚至在年幼的小学生中也在增加。Pupils should know how to spell commonly used words.小学生应该知道常用词的拼法。I was just a schoolkid - I didn't know anything about poetry or literature.那时我还只是个小学生,对诗歌和文学一无所知。He spends his spare time visiting schools to warn pupils off drugs.他在业余时间走访学校,告诫小学生远离毒品。Asian pupils complained of racial prejudice at the school.亚裔小学生抱怨在学校里遭遇种族偏见。These books are not meant for primary school students.这些书不是为小学生编写的。The headmaster had failed to strike the right note in his speech on discipline and the pupils continued to behave in their own way.校长有关纪律的讲话并没奏效,小学生们还是我行我素。The juniors have a different uniform from the infants.小学生的校服与婴幼儿的不同。Some teachers have more control over pupils than their parents have.有的老师比小学生的父母更能管得住他们。Elementary school students are now using rolling suitcases to haul their school books around.现在小学生都用拉杆箱拖着课本走路。School children will be obliged to take citizenship classes.小学生将必须上公民道德课。The two women huddled together like schoolgirls, happily engrossed in their conversation.那两个女人就像小学生一样紧紧地靠在一起,相谈甚欢。The film chronicles the everyday doings of a group of London schoolchildren.电影记载了一群伦敦小学生的日常活动。Primary school children know more today than we did at that age.现在的小学生比我们在他们这个年龄的时候懂得多。The committee is calling for national tests for American schoolchildren.该委员会呼吁对全美小学生实行全国测验。Two thirds of the pupils are of Asian origin.这些小学生中有三分之二是亚裔。Pupils had better read its abbreviated version.小学生还是读该书的节本好。The classroom teacher must be sensitive to a child's needs.班主任必须对小学生的需求体察入微。The pupils were asked to list the sports they loved most and hated most.小学生们被要求列出他们最喜欢和最讨厌的运动。Eleanor was a reluctant, anxious pupil.埃莉诺是个扭捏局促的小学生Schools are booting out record numbers of unruly pupils.学校开除了数量空前的难以管教的小学生The pupils' own experiences can be a useful starter for discussion.讨论可以从小学生们自身的经历开始。It was a diabolical error, a schoolboy error.那是个十分低级的错误,一个小学生才会犯的错误。In those days, schoolchildren got the birch when they misbehaved.那时候,小学生做错事会挨桦条打。




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