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词汇 continuously
例句 Earlier reports pointed to pupils working harder, more continuously, and with enthusiasm.早些时候的报告显示学生学习更为刻苦、持久,并且怀有学习热情。It is the oldest continuously inhabited city in America.这是美国最古老的一直有人居住的城市。The taxi-driver blasted the horn continuously.计程车司机不停地按喇叭。These are the first machines that can stand the wear and tear of continuously crushing glass.这些就是第一批能经受住不停碾碎玻璃所造成的磨损的机器。The train's wheels should make contact with the track continuously.火车车轮应该始终和铁轨保持接触。This system continuously monitors levels of radiation and relays the information to a central computer.这个系统不间断地监控辐射水平,并将信息传送到中央计算机。Rain fell continuously and turned the winding dirt road into a river of slippery mud.雨下个不停,把这条蜿蜒曲折的土路变成了一条湿滑的泥流。Rival trade union organizations continuously jockey for position.互相敌对的工会组织不断运用各种手段抢占有利地位。It is the oldest continuously-inhabited city in America.这是美国历史上最古老的一直有人居住的城市。Jericho is the oldest continuously inhabited city known to man.杰里科是人类已知最古老的一直有人居住的城市。Your baby's heartbeat will be monitored continuously.你的小宝宝将接受持续的心跳监测。If you take these drugs continuously, withdrawal must be tapered.如果你一直在服用这些药,停药时一定要逐渐停。The tiny gray-haired woman chattered continuously as she demonstrated how to make a tortilla.那个灰头发的小个子女人一边示范怎么做薄玉米饼,一边喋喋不休地说话。UMNO had ruled Malaysia continuously since independence.马来西亚自独立以来一直由巫统领导。The programme should not be set in tablets of stone, but improved continuously.此方案不应是铁板钉钉,而应可以不断改进。The air is sampled continuously to measure changes in air pollution.会对空气持续地进行抽样检验,以检测空气污染的变化。She had the unnerving habit of continuously touching people she was speaking to.她说话时会不停地触碰对方,这习惯让人觉得不自在。Whip the cream continuously until it thickens and stands in peaks.不停搅打奶油,直到它变浓,像尖峰一样竖起来。Shake the pan continuously until the almonds are lightly browned.不断摇晃平底锅,直到杏仁微微焦黄。Information flows continuously through the network.信息通过网络不断流动。The driver blasted the horn continuously.驾车人不停地按喇叭。Staff have to calculate continuously the likelihood of danger.工作人员必须时刻估测危险发生的可能性。Typical of stress is this feeling of being continuously on the run.这种一直奔波不停的感觉就是压力的典型表现。They had to get up and close the door continuously.他们只得不断地起来关门。This feature continuously updates the log as data is written.该功能随着数据的写入不断更新日志。Then add the olive oil, little by little, beating continuously until the sauce thickens.然后加入橄榄油,一点一点地加,不停地搅打,直至酱汁变稠厚起来。The files are continuously updated with new information.这些文件不断加入新信息。The volcano had been erupting continuously since March.三月以来这座火山反复喷发。Objects continuously revolve in space inspiring wonder and amazement.天体在太空中不停旋转,引人惊奇。Her eyes leaked continuously with the cold.她的眼睛因为感冒而不断流泪水。




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