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词汇 生意
例句 The big hardware chain was eating the local store's lunch. 大型五金连锁店抢了当地小店的生意They ploughed all their savings into their daughter's business.他们将所有的积蓄都投到了女儿的生意里。The club was just a front - Luchese's real business was drug smuggling and gun running.那家俱乐部只是个幌子—卢凯塞真正的生意是贩毒和偷运武器。After a slack period, business is now picking up.经过一段不景气的时期,生意现在好起来了。The weeks after Christmas are usually fairly slow in most shops.圣诞节后的几个星期大多数商店的生意通常都很清淡。There is an unmistakable note of nostalgia in his voice when he looks back on the early years of the family business.他回忆早些年的家族生意时,无疑是带着一种怀旧的语气的。We've just made our first sale.我们刚刚做了第一笔生意He is currently engaged in a dispute with his former business partner.目前他正忙着解决和从前的生意合伙人之间的争端。He had made his pile in the wholesale business.他做批发生意赚了大钱。He has got no quarter from the competitors whom he had forced out of business.那些被他挤出生意圈的竞争对手们对他毫不宽容。Helpers are needed to run the book stall and man the bar.需要有人帮忙照看书摊和照顾酒吧生意The store was in for difficult sledding.这家铺子肯定会生意难做了。The agency was a shoestring operation at first.这家经销店刚开始时是小本经营的生意He is moving onward and upward in his business career.他的生意越来越红火。Most of our custom comes from tourists nowadays.如今我们大部分生意来自游客。Karen got blamed for losing the deal.卡伦因失去了那笔生意而背了黑锅。If our business is to survive, we must be able to adapt to changing circumstances.如果我们想继续把生意做下去,我们必须能够适应千变万化的环境。They tied up all of their money in their new business.他们把所有钱都投在了新的生意里。Many companies are seeing an upturn in business.许多公司生意正在好转。The mobile phone market makes up only a small part of Scottish Telecom's business.手机市场只占了苏格兰电信公司生意的一小部分。They're trying to bring the restaurant back to life by introducing a new menu.他们推出了新菜单,想让餐馆生意再火起来。I was appalled to learn that a serial killer was running a drugs operation in a high-security prison.听说有个连环杀手在一个戒备森严的监狱里经营毒品生意,我感到很震惊。Merchants say sales have not been affected by the road repairs.店主说生意没有受到修路的影响。He is involved in gambling and prostitution rackets.他涉入赌博和卖淫的非法生意Business is brisk.生意很红火。Catering is a very lucrative business if you succeed in it.如果酒宴办得好,那是一门非常赚钱的生意In spite of setbacks and reversals, his business was at last making money.尽管有挫折和失败,他的生意最后还是赚钱了。Their attempt to start a new business didn't pan out.他们试图开展新的生意,但没有成功。The business of our new restaurant has been booming ever since it opened.我们的新餐馆开张之后生意一直很兴旺。I started this business with the aim of making a profit.我为了赚钱做起这个生意Steptoe finally accepted that his son didn't want to continue working in the family business.斯特普托终于接受了儿子不想继续为家族生意工作的这个事实。After protracted negotiations, Ogden got the deal he wanted.经过漫长的谈判,奥格登得到了他想要的那笔生意Money started rolling in and the business grew and grew.钱开始滚滚而来,生意越做越大。The nearby malls are thriving, and there's no need for another regional shopping centre.附近的商场生意很好,没有必要再建一个区域性的购物中心。Business slowed down/up after the holidays.假期过后,生意慢慢清淡了下来。This season has been pretty slack for local hotels so far.这一季直至目前对当地旅馆来说生意都相当清淡。He made a considerable sum of money in real estate.他做房地产生意赚了大笔钱。A French company has reportedly cut a deal to produce software for government agencies.据报道一家法国公司成交了一笔生意,为政府机构生产软件。Business has been going downhill recently.近来生意在走下坡路。He was a man who thought of nothing but business.他是个除了生意什么也不关心的人。




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