例句 |
A powerful snow storm is moving eastwards.一股强大的暴风雪正在向东移动。They were pressing on eastwards towards the city's small airfield.他们继续向东朝该市的小机场推进。Traders looked eastwards to India and beyond.商人把眼光投向东方的印度和更远的地区。The region includes Sumatra, Java, and a chain of smaller islands extending eastwards.这个地区包括苏门答腊、爪哇以及向东延伸的一群小岛。We drove eastwards.我们开车往东走。The storm is moving slowly eastwards.暴风雨正缓缓向东推进。The plane flew eastwards into the wind.飞机向东飞行进入风中。We sailed eastwards for several days.我们向东航行了几天。The ship continued sailing eastwards.船继续向东行驶。 |