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词汇 生存
例句 The campaign will hopefully ensure the survival of the tiger.这次宣传运动有望确保老虎的生存Biologists say the area might be large enough to support a self-sustaining population.生物学家称这个地区的面积可能足以让一个自我维系的种群生存下来。Here, life is a battle for survival.在这里,活着就是为生存而战。We've got to bring in more business if we want the restaurant to survive.餐馆若要生存下去,我们必须招徕更多的生意。That was what she was for, that was her reason for being.那是她做人的目的,那是她生存的理由。If we don't protect biodiversity, we threaten the survival of the planet.如果我们不保护生物多样性,就会对地球的生存造成威胁。He's well schooled in survival.他接受了很好的生存训练。Small businesses will need to reduce costs in order to survive.小企业要想生存必须削减成本。Their chances of survival are greatly diminished because of their poor health.由于身体不好,他们的生存机会大大减少。Early settlers caught rabbits and squirrels and even rats in order to survive.早期移民为了生存,捕捉野兔、松鼠甚至老鼠吃。They exist on a diet of fruit, nuts, and leaves.他们靠吃水果、坚果和树叶生存Chemical pollution is threatening the survival of many species of wildlife.化学污染威胁着许多野生物种的生存Pragmatically, MTV's survival depends on selling the youth market to advertisers.从务实角度来说,音乐电视网的生存依赖于把年轻人市场卖给广告商。Illegal hunting is threatening the survival of the species.非法狩猎正威胁到物种的生存According to some scientists, global warming threatens the survival of the whole human race.根据一些科学家的观点,全球性变暖威胁到了全人类的生存We armed ourselves with the tools we would need to survive in the forest.我们给自己配备了在森林生存所需的各种工具。The ozone layer is critical to the survival of all life on Earth.臭氧层对地球上所有生物的生存至关重要。School helps children to master the skills necessary to live in our society.学校帮孩子们掌握社会生存所必需的技能。There are two basic rules of survival.有两个基本的生存规则。The film tells the true story of a group who survived in the Andes in sub-zero temperatures.电影讲述了一群人在安第斯山脉零度以下的环境中生存下来的真实故事。The survival of the African elephant hangs in the balance.非洲象能否生存下去难以预料。Customer satisfaction is important if you want to stay in business.如果你想在生意场上生存下去,顾客的满意非常重要。They had to survive on a diet of insects and berries.他们只好靠吃昆虫和浆果生存We must recruit new members to survive.生存下去,我们必须招募新成员。The living things on the earth could not subsist on Mars.地球上的生物不可能在火星上生存We had to subsist on bread and water.我们不得不靠少量的面包和水维持生存In the end he had to steal in order to survive.最后,为了生存,他只得偷东西了。A super-efficient sense of smell is no longer vital to our existence.高度灵敏的嗅觉对我们的生存已不再必不可少。We have reached an agreement that at least gives the company a chance to survive.我们达成了一项协议,这至少给了这家公司一个生存的机会。As more is revealed, the audience begins to see Wendy as a survivor rather than a victim.观众知道得越来越多以后,渐渐地开始认为温迪是一个善于在困境中生存的人,而不是一个可怜的受害者。Hamlet's soliloquy starts "To be or not to be".哈姆雷特的独白以“生存还是毁灭”开头。He uses his wits as a survival mechanism. 他利用自己的机智作为生存技巧。She learned to survive on her wits.她学会了靠自己的头脑生存The two biologists found, to their surprise, that both groups of birds survived equally well.两位生物学家惊奇地发现,两个鸟群都很好地生存了下来。Evolution depends absolutely on the survival and reproduction of the species.进化完全依赖于物种的生存和繁殖。She's struggling to survive.她在为生存做斗争。Let's battle on to maintain our existence.让我们为生存而战。We've had to cut our profit margins to the bone in order to survive.为了生存我们得把利润率减到最低限度。Few animals can exist in the frozen wastes of the Arctic.几乎没有动物能在北极洲冰封的荒芜地区生存A great variety of animals nourish themselves on vegetable foods.多种动物靠吃植物生存




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