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We spent the weekend grouting the bathroom.我们花了一个周末的时间给浴室的瓷砖勾缝。I'm laying ceramic floor tiles in the kitchen.我正在厨房里铺地面瓷砖。The kitchen has smart black tiling, worksurfaces and cupboards.厨房有漂亮的黑色瓷砖地面、操作台面和碗橱。Stick the pieces on with tile cement.用瓷砖黏合剂把这些小片粘上去。I glued the tiles to the wall.我把瓷砖贴在墙壁上。The tiles are used to reflect heat.这些瓷砖用来反射热能。I need to grout the bathroom tiles.我需要给浴室的瓷砖勾缝。There was a revolting green slime in between the bathroom tiles.浴室的瓷砖缝里有一摊令人作呕的绿色黏液。The store carries hand-painted tiles. 这家商店出售手绘瓷砖。Some of the tiles are crumbling around the edges.有一些瓷砖的边缘碎裂了。It's hard to visualize how these tiles will look in our bathroom.很难想象这些瓷砖铺在我们浴室里会是什么样子。Our kitchen tiles are made from terracotta.我们厨房的瓷砖是由赤陶土制成的。He has dug up the tiles that cover the floor and left them in a heap.他把地上的瓷砖都撬了起来,堆成一堆。A tile floor underlies the rug.小地毯下面铺着瓷砖。The tiles may not adhere well if you do not use the correct glue.胶水用得不合适,瓷砖就可能粘不牢。Check the tiles carefully before you buy them.购买之前要把瓷砖仔细检查一下。The kitchen has smart black tiling, work surfaces and cupboards.厨房里贴着漂亮的黑瓷砖,配有各种操作台和橱柜。Tiles can be fixed to any surface as long as it's flat, firm and dry.只要表面平整、坚固而且干燥,瓷砖就可以贴住。The tiles are set into the wall.这些瓷砖被贴在了墙面上。Many plain tiles and complementary borders are also available.还有多款普通瓷砖和与之配套的修饰花边供应。Border tiles with two rounded edges are used for corners.有两条圆边的镶边瓷砖用来镶壁角。There was some icky black stuff between the tiles.瓷砖缝里有些令人恶心的脏东西。A few of the tiles were clearly out of alignment.有几片瓷砖明显排得不齐。We're going to tile the bathroom.我们要给浴室贴瓷砖。Make sure that your tiles are thoroughly grouted and sealed.要确保这些瓷砖经过仔细勾缝,堵上缝隙。Tiled kitchen floors are easy to keep clean.铺了瓷砖的厨房地板便于保洁。The walls and floors are clad with ceramic tiles.墙壁和地板上都贴着瓷砖。Avoid abrasives, which can damage the tiles.避免使用磨蚀剂,以免损坏瓷砖。She could see the grout between the tiles, and the cracks on the surfaces of the tiles.她能看到瓷砖之间的水泥浆和瓷砖表面的裂缝。The tiles were old and cracked.这些瓷砖年代已久,有裂缝了。Emma's heels clacked on the tiled floor.爱玛的鞋跟踩在瓷砖地上哒哒作响。Her biggest copper-bottomed saucepan made one hell of a noise as it clattered onto the tiles.她最大的铜底锅掉到瓷砖上发出了很大的声响。The tiles were stuck firmly to the wall.瓷砖牢牢地贴在墙上。Our bathtub has a tiled surround.我们的浴缸周围铺了瓷砖。How about pepping up plain tiles with transfers?在素色瓷砖上印制一些图案使其更吸引人如何?Each piece of tile is chipped, filed and cemented to a surface on which a base drawing is made.每片瓷砖都经过切削锉平后粘在画有底图的表面上。Stick the pieces on with tile cement.用瓷砖胶把它们一块块贴上去。Each tile is a work of art, guaranteed one of a kind by the handprint of its maker.每一块瓷砖都是一件艺术品,由制作者压上手印以保证它是独一无二的。If you score the tile first, it will be easier to break.要是先在瓷砖上划一道痕,要破开就容易多了。Tiles can be fixed to any surface as long as it's flat.只要表面是平的,瓷砖就能贴上。 |