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词汇 现状
例句 Professor Hirsch is to be commended for bringing the state of our educational system to public notice.在赫希教授的努力下,我们教育体系的现状引起了公众关注,为此对他应该给予嘉许。Changes must be soundly based in economic reality.变革必须以经济现状作为切实依据。The report gives us a very accurate picture of life in the inner cities.这篇报道向我们非常准确地描绘了旧城区里的生活现状The article is a sober reflection on the state of our nation.这篇文章是对我们国家现状的冷静反思。The petty quarrels were a sad commentary on the state of the government.这些琐碎争吵反映了政府的糟糕现状The liberals sat on their laurels after their victory.自由党人获胜后满足于现状I don't agree with all of her strictures on the state of contemporary literature.我不赞同她对当代文学现状的严厉批评。She delivered an entertaining discourse on the current state of the film industry.她发表了一篇关于电影业现状的有趣论述。He was trying to escape his present by living in the past.他试图通过生活在过去来逃避现状Her books are full of perceptive insights into the human condition.她书里有很多对人类现状的深入洞见。The state of the country depresses me.国家的现状让我倍感沮丧。You should suggest changes, rather than accept things as they are.你应该建议作些改变,而不是接受现状The French President has lost touch with the reality of the political situation in France.这位法国总统与法国政界的现状脱了节。The Act contained provisions designed to preserve the status quo.法令中有旨在维护现状的规定。They rested on their laurels after their victory.他们获胜后就满足于现状了。They accepted the situation in resignation.他们无可奈何地接受了现状Contingency is, quite simply, the fact that things could be otherwise than they are.简单来说,不确定性是指事物可能会与现状不同。Their case is a sad comment on the current state of the justice system.他们的案子说明司法体制的现状很糟糕。The principle still holds true for the present situation.这原则仍适用于现状The government has just published a highly critical report on the state of the education system.政府刚发表了一篇严厉批评教育制度现状的报告。These ideas politicized the workers and caused them to question the status quo.这些思想唤醒了工人阶级的政治意识并促使他们质疑现状The figures reveal a disturbing picture of the state of our schools.这些数字显示了我们学校令人担忧的现状This new report represents the current situation in our schools.这份新的报告介绍了我们这儿的学校现状I must admit the state of the country depresses me.我必须承认国家的现状让我倍感沮丧。The students' poor performance on the tests is a sad commentary on the current state of education in this country.学生们在考试中的差劲表现说明这个国家的教育现状很糟。At last, England has actually appointed a manager who has more than a passing acquaintance with the realities of modern football.英格兰国家队最终任命了一位对现代足球现状的了解不止于泛泛层面的主帅。Some employers are ill-informed about education.一些雇主对教育现状孤陋寡闻。He is content with the status quo and does not like change.他满足于现状,不想改变。The problem was compounded by the fact that I had no idea what I was looking for.我不知道自己在找什么,这一现状使问题更复杂了。He's out of touch with the actualities of life in Africa.他已经不了解非洲的现状了。The prime minister was rudely awoken to the realities of international finance.首相突然明白了国际金融的现状This is definitely an advance on the present situation.这无疑是对现状的改善。She accepts her situation and does not try to obliterate the past.她接受了自己的现状,并不打算忘记过去。I was impressed by his consciousness of our situation.他对我们现状的认识给我留下了深刻印象。We need a reality check.我们需要审视一下现状了。The president pledged to respect the existing frontiers between the two countries.总统承诺维持两国间疆界现状She began her talk with some general observations about the state of the industry.她在讲话中首先对该行业的现状做了大致的评论。If the Conservatives got in they might decide to change it.如果保守党赢得选举,他们可能会决定改变这一现状He compared the situation of black college basketball players to the plantation. 他把大学里黑人篮球运动员的现状比作种植园奴隶的处境。I think you should complain – unless, of course, you are happy with the way things are.我觉得你应该发发牢骚 — 当然,除非你对现状很满意。




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