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He played on the Irish junior soccer team.他在爱尔兰少年足球队踢球。Organised junior football was either restricted or logistically impossible to operate.有组织的少年足球要么受到限制,要么在管理安排上无法操作。It was a boyhood dream come true.少年时的梦想变成了现实。He used to kite around with other kids in the evening.过去他晚上常和别的少年一起游荡。The disease commonly strikes people in their early teens.这种疾病的高发人群是十一二岁的少年。Eventually the teenager's behaviour got so bad that the police had to be called in.最后,这名少年的行为变得非常恶劣,只得请警察出面了。He started going clubbing in his early youth.他少年时就开始去夜总会。He knew he was behaving like a lovesick teenager.他知道自己的行为就像是一个为情所困的少年。These teenagers are typical products of the private education system.这些少年是私立教育制度的典型产物。The riots ended in the violent deaths of three teenagers.暴乱以三名少年的惨死而告终。Solvent abuse is especially prevalent among younger teenagers.吸胶毒在十三四岁的少年中尤其普遍。On TV he plays a teenager, but in real life he's married with two children.在电视上他扮演一名十几岁的少年,可现实生活中的他却是一位有两个孩子的已婚男子。Does a youth gain deepness or power in becoming a man?少年成年后是获得深度还是力量? He grew from adolescence to young manhood.他从少年步入了青年。Janet introduced me to her son, a shy, gangling teenager.珍妮特把我介绍给她儿子,一个羞涩的、又高又瘦的少年。Suddenly Ned swerved the truck, narrowly missing a blond teenager on a skateboard.内德驾驶的卡车差点撞到一个滑滑板的金发少年,他猛打方向盘才躲了过去。Three teenybop fans were hospitalized.三个少年流行音乐和时尚迷入院治疗了。He is described as an introverted teenager, with a love of horses.据说他是一个性格内向的少年,很喜欢马。Graves' disease is a common cause of hyperthyroidism in children and adolescents.在儿童和少年中,格雷夫斯氏病是导致甲状腺亢进的主要原因。He was a young lad, probably still an adolescent.他是个年轻的小伙子,可能还是个少年。A high proportion of crime is perpetrated by young males in their teens and twenties.很大一部分案件乃是十几岁的少年和二十多岁的青年男子所为。Several kids mugged at the cameraman.几个少年对摄影师扮鬼脸。A teenager used his personal computer to break into sensitive US Air Force files.一名少年利用他的个人电脑侵入了美国空军的机密文件。Men aged 60 are fighting alongside young boys.年届六十的男人们和少年小伙们并肩作战。I was your typical lanky teenager.以前我和你们一样,是典型的又瘦又高的少年。He was in and out of juvenile detention for drugs charges as a teenager.他少年时因吸毒的罪名进出过少年拘留所。As a teenager he was painfully awkward in company.作为一个十几岁的少年,他在众人面前十分局促不安。He's managed to preserve his boyish good looks.他设法保留住了自己少年般的俊秀容貌。I knew him when he was just a spotty youth.在他还是个满脸粉刺的少年时,我就认识他了。The band seemed to be just another bunch of pretty boys with no talent.这支乐队好像不过是又一伙模样俊俏毫无才华的少年。Here are some of the best gifts for tweens.这儿有一些最适合送给少年的礼物。His school coach predicted a glittering career for the youngster.这个少年的学校教练预言他将拥有一个辉煌的职业生涯。James Bond was a boyhood hero of mine.詹姆斯·邦德是我少年时心目中的英雄。The Vienna Boy's Choir often travel and balladeer throughout the world.维也纳少年合唱团常全球巡演唱歌谣。Some teenager went joyriding in my car.不知哪个少年开着我的车兜风去了。The book presents a tapestry of teenage life in the provinces.这本书描绘了一幅乡下少年丰富多彩的生活画面。The house was a sanctuary for runaway teens.这所房子是离家出走少年的庇护所。She works with handicapped teenagers.她帮助残疾少年。The book presents a tapestry of teenage life in the countryside.这部书描绘了一幅农村少年丰富多彩的生活画面。College students seem to teeter between childhood and adulthood.大学生好像在少年和成年之间摇摆不定。 |