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词汇 consuming
例句 Football is a consuming passion for lots of kids.足球让许多孩子都非常着迷。Caring for a disabled child is a time-consuming, but ultimately rewarding, job.护理残疾的儿童很耗时间,但总的来说还是很有意义的工作。Appeals can be costly and time-consuming.上诉可能要花很多钱,并且很耗时间。He has developed a consuming passion for chess.他对下国际象棋产生了浓厚的兴趣。Negotiations would be messy and time-consuming.谈判会非常麻烦而且耗时长久。Starting a new business, however small, is a time-consuming task.开办新公司,不管它多小,都是一项耗时的工作。Her all-consuming passion was music.她全部的热情都在音乐上。He has a consuming interest in politics. 他对政治有极大的兴趣。Going to court can be an expensive, time consuming and gut wrenching experience that is best avoided.打官司费钱耗时而且给人添堵,所以最好能避则避。Using a scraper to remove wallpaper can be very time-consuming.用刮刀刮除墙纸非常耗时。Money is an all-consuming passion with them.他们对金钱的追求达到极致。I know from past experience that this work is very time-consuming.我从以前的经验中了解到这项工作非常耗时。The fact remains that children are consuming more entertainment media than ever before.事实是,孩子们比以往任何时候都喜欢娱乐媒体。It's very time-consuming to get such a large quantity of data.收集如此庞大的数据非常耗时。During this period, politics became his consuming interest.这一时期,政治成了他强烈的兴趣所在。Her work became all-consuming.工作成为她生活的全部。The application process is cumbersome and time-consuming.申请过程既烦琐又耗时。Home education is extremely time-consuming for the parents.对父母来说,让孩子在家里受教育是十分耗时的。Producing a dictionary is a very time-consuming job.编字典是件很费时间的工作。Gardening has become his all-consuming passion.园艺成了他全身心投入的嗜好。His interest in gardening is all-consuming.他对园艺的兴趣到了废寝忘食的程度。Starting a new business, however small, is a time-consuming exercise.创办一家新企业,不管多小,都是件旷日持久的事。Can we try to make this less time-consuming?我们可以设法使这件事不那么费时吗?He managed to fix the television, but it was a time-consuming and fiddly job.他设法修好了电视机,那可是费时又琐碎的工作。Haig's rise was fuelled by an all-consuming sense of patriotic duty.黑格非常强烈的爱国主义责任感使他的地位大大提高了。The equipment of the task force was costly and time-consuming.装备那支特遣部队花了很多财力和时间。It is very space-consuming.这东西很占地方。It was a time-consuming and fiddly job.这个工作费时费事。Nursing a demented person is an all-consuming task.照顾一个精神病人是时刻都要劳神费力的苦差事。Repairs can be time-consuming and expensive.修理工作可能很花时间,费用也很高。He fought against the cancer that was consuming his lungs.他与正在吞噬自己双肺的癌症进行抗争。In summer the restaurant has an open-air area for consuming edibles and potables.夏天,餐馆有一处露天餐饮区。It's just very time consuming to get such a large quantity of data.获取如此大量的数据非常费时。Her all-consuming passion was music. 她痴迷于音乐。We wanted to avoid costly, time-consuming legislation.我们希望避开耗财耗时的立法程序。




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