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词汇 catalog
例句 We put a lot of material up on our website simply by repurposing our existing catalog.我们在网站上放了很多东西,就是把现有的产品目录改了个新的用途。The store sent us a new catalog of its merchandise.商店寄给我们一份新的商品目录。The band played many songs from their catalog of hits.乐队演奏了他们一系列的热门曲目。I leafed through the catalog and found nothing interesting.我翻了翻目录,没看到什么有趣的东西。She got a job modeling shoes for a catalog company.她找到了一份工作,为一家商品目录制作公司做鞋模。The catalog is organized alphabetically by label name.这个目录按标签名的字母顺序排列而成。The catalog includes helpful information on the different bike models available.目录中包括了在售的各种型号自行车的有用信息。They use the computer to catalog books.他们用计算机整理书目。The card catalog is an index to the materials in the library.卡片目录是图书馆资料的一个索引。The official report into the disaster points up a whole catalog of errors and oversights.这次灾难的官方报告直指有关人员一连串的失误和疏忽。Here's a free copy of our catalog/brochure.这是一份我们的免费目录/宣传册。The edge of the order blank in the catalog was perforated so that it could be torn out easily.商品目录中空白订单的边沿打有孔眼线,便于撕下。Look in the catalog and see if the library has that book.查查目录,看看图书馆有没有那本书。These names are to be listed in the catalog.这些名字将列入目录。The catalog is a mother lode of men's gadgets and toys.目录里可以找到许多男用小器具和小玩具。You will find information about all the sale items in our catalog.目录里有我们所有销售商品的信息。He asked the company to put him on their mailing list so that he could receive their catalog.他让那家公司把他列入邮寄名单,这样他就能收到他们的商品目录了。I've written away for their free catalog.我已去信索取他们的免费目录。




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